Are Religious Societies Scriptural ? – Part 2

June 18, 2017

    Are We Authorized to Organize Religious Societies?   In the previous study on the subject of religious societies, we noted how Alexander Campbell, one of the most influential restorationists from the early 1800’s, was much in favor of the formation of religious organizations and societies, for the purpose of more efficiently evangelizing the world. For the sake of anyone who is not familiar with the term “restorationist”, that…


Are Religious Societies Scriptural ?

June 10, 2017

        The Religion of Early America   When people came to America from Europe, in the seventeen, and eighteen hundreds, protestant denominations, and religious societies were common-place, just like they are today.  However, in the late 1700’s, and the early 1800’s, many men became skeptical about denominations in general.  And at about the same time, they also began to question religious societies.  Men were trying to restore new testament…
