Who Can Forgive Sins ?

August 16, 2017

      Father Forgive Me   Jesus said in Mathew  6, verse 15;  “But if you do not forgive men, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.” That principle is easy to understand isn’t it?  In order to be forgiven by God, we must be willing to forgive others. Here’s another verse that pretty much says the same thing.  Mathew 6, verse 12.  It’s a part of what people…


What Does It Mean To Forgive ?

August 6, 2017

    I forgive You   Have you ever forgiven anyone?  Has anyone ever forgiven you?  What does it mean to forgive?  What are you actually doing, when you forgive someone? To forgive can actually mean a few different things.  Today I’d like you to consider three things that forgiveness can mean. Here’s the first thing that forgiving can mean;  It can mean, to stop blaming.  When you blame someone, aren’t you really…
