Does Believing Imply Obeying ?

October 27, 2016

    He Who Believes Shall be Saved   The bible says in several places, that it’s the person who believes, that will be saved.  In the previous lesson titled  WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BELIEVE,  I gave several verses of scripture that say that very thing.  That lesson began with these six verses..  John 3:16, John 3:18, John 6:29, John 6;40, Acts 19:4, and 1 Cor 1:21.  And all those…


What Does It Mean To Believe ?

October 17, 2016

      Whoever Believes In Him   The bible says a lot about believing.  Probably the most well-known verse in the bible is  John 3:16  which says,  “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.”    But there’s lots of other verses as well..  For instance,  John 3;18   “He who believes…
