Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

February 25, 2017

        “Perfect love casts out fear”.  Those words are part of  1 John 4, verse 18.   What does that mean?  “Perfect love, casts out fear”.  Does that mean that if you could love “perfectly” that you’d never be afraid of anything in your life?   Does that mean you won’t be afraid of snakes and spiders, or afraid of the dark, or whatever it is that you might…


Fear And Doubt – Part 2

February 4, 2017

    The Spirit of Fear   Please listen to  2 Timothy 1:7..   “Indeed, God has not given us the spirit of fearfulness, but of power and love and self-control.”   The word translated “fearfulness” in this verse, is only found this one time in the bible.  The exact meaning is..   “timidity, fearfulness, and cowardice”.   The word seems to imply a lack of confidence in one’s self.  There’s another Greek…
