Can Anyone Be Saved, Or Are Some People Simply Destined For Hell ?

October 15, 2016

    Enter By The Narrow Gate   The bible does confirm that most people will be lost.  Isn’t that a sad thought?  It’s very sad, but the bible says it’s true.  And because of that truth, most people will spend an eternity in Hell.   Jesus has told us, in  Mathew 7:13,   “Enter by the narrow gate”   And here’s the reason that He said that..   “For the gate is…


Does Faith Alone Save ?

September 13, 2016

    Is Believing In Jesus, All We Must Do To Be Saved?    Does faith alone save?  That’s a pretty simple and straightforward question, and it deserves a simple and straightforward answer.  NO, faith alone will not save anyone.  But many people do think that believing in Jesus Christ, is all it takes to be saved by God.  And since people do have different opinions on this subject, we’re going to…


The Parables Of The Vineyard

July 24, 2016

    The Parables of the Vineyard   There’s more than just one parable of a vineyard, recorded in the bible.  We’re going to look at one from the Old Testament, and one from the New Testament.   Isaiah Chapter 5   Is 5:1-7, “Let me sing now for my well-beloved, a song of my beloved concerning His vineyard.  My well-beloved had a vineyard on a fertile hill.  He dug…


What Is Baptism ? What Is Baptism For ?

July 22, 2016

                    What is Baptism ?  What is Baptism For ?  Is Baptism Essential To Salvation ?   Those are some very good questions.  “What is Baptism”, “What is Baptism For ?”, and “Is Baptism Essential to Salvation ?”.  And we’re going to let the bible answer All of those questions.  Let’s start by going to the bible, to answer the first question.  Exactly what IS baptism…


What Is The Church ?

May 31, 2016

      Do You Know What The “Church” Is ?   Is the “church” a building?  Is the “church” a group of people”  Exactly what is the “church”?  Many people really don’t understand what is being referred to, by the term “the church”.  I think that the majority of people think “the church” refers to the building that people come together in for worship.     But that’s not what the “church” is. …
