Can Anyone Be Saved, Or Are Some People Simply Destined For Hell ?

October 15, 2016

    Enter By The Narrow Gate   The bible does confirm that most people will be lost.  Isn’t that a sad thought?  It’s very sad, but the bible says it’s true.  And because of that truth, most people will spend an eternity in Hell.   Jesus has told us, in  Mathew 7:13,   “Enter by the narrow gate”   And here’s the reason that He said that..   “For the gate is…


Command, Example, Necessary Inference – Part 2

September 26, 2016

    God Commands, God Gives Examples, God Implies   This is the second part of our lesson about how God gives us instructions to teach us how to live our lives, through His Holy Word.  In the previous lesson we were introduced to three methods of instruction that God has used, namely, Commands, Examples, and Necessary Inferences.  If you’re not sure of what  “necessary inference”  means, please go back to the  FIRST…


Command, Example, Necessary Inference

September 24, 2016

    Has God Given Us Instructions That We Must follow ?   Today we’re going to look at three different ways that God gives us instructions within the bible.  Those three ways are by direct command, by example, and by what we must necessarily infer based upon what God has implied in His word.  Do you believe that God has given us SPECIFIC instructions which we must obey in order…


Will Everyone Go To Heaven ?

August 12, 2016

      Will Everyone Go to Heaven ?   This post is answer to a question that I received.  A gentleman stated that he had met someone who attends a church that believes everyone will go to heaven.  He said they believed that God would never take ONLY certain people.  And the question was, “What do you think about this?”     Many times I have shown people exactly…


Jesus Christ, Perfect Sacrifice

August 8, 2016

      Jesus Christ, Perfect Sacrifice   Why was Jesus Christ, the perfect sacrifice?  What made Jesus “Perfect”?  What made Jesus, “The Only One”, who could have become, the sacrifice for sin? I received a question on the website from a reader, who asked;  “I wonder if you could talk more, in a future article, about WHY Christ was the only one who could fill that role?”  And so, what’s…


Are There Guardian Angels ?

August 1, 2016

    Are There Guardian Angels ? / Do Guardian Angels Really Exist ?   Take a look at the picture at the top of the page and please read what it says.  Is that a true statement?  Can we say with certainty that we all have a guardian angel?  Does the bible make that statement?  If the bible doesn’t make that specific statement, does the bible at least imply…


What Is Baptism For ?

July 23, 2016

      What is Baptism For ?   In our previous lesson, we let the bible answer the question, “What is Baptism”.  And we learned from God’s word, that baptism for a Christian, is a burial in water, and a resurrection. Rom 6:3-4  told us, “Or do you not know that all of us who were baptized into Jesus Christ, have been baptized into His death?  Therefore, we have…


What Is The Church ?

May 31, 2016

      Do You Know What The “Church” Is ?   Is the “church” a building?  Is the “church” a group of people”  Exactly what is the “church”?  Many people really don’t understand what is being referred to, by the term “the church”.  I think that the majority of people think “the church” refers to the building that people come together in for worship.     But that’s not what the “church” is. …
