What’s The Value Of My Soul ?

January 9, 2018

    “What would a man give, in exchange for his soul?”   That’s a question that Jesus asked a multitude of people one day.  Just prior to asking that question, Jesus asked this one;  “For what does it profit a man, if he were to gain the whole world, and forfeit his own soul? (Mark 8:36-37).  The question speaks for itself, there is nothing more valuable than you soul! …


A Tower Of Strength

January 7, 2018

    A Christian Should be a Tower of Strength   Do you believe that?  I do.  I believe that God intends for Christians, to be the strongest people on earth.  God doesn’t want us to be overcome by the world, He want US to overcome the WORLD!   God didn’t give the world dominion over us, He gave US dominion over the world!   That means that God intends…


How Are We Edified ?

December 30, 2017

        Edify:  To Build Up and to Strengthen   In  1 Corinthians chapter 14, and verse 26,  it says;  “What then is it brethren?  (in other words, What is the outcome)  When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation.  Let all things be done for edification.”   The apostle Paul is giving instructions concerning how…


What Is The Purpose Of The Gospels ?

December 24, 2017

  The Four Gospels   The first four books of the new testament, are referred to as “The Gospels”.  They are the books written by Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John.  It’s interesting to note, that only Mathew and John were apostles of Jesus Christ.  Mark and Luke were disciples, but were not among the twelve chosen apostles.  It’s known from the book of Acts, which Luke also wrote, that he…


What Happens At Baptism ?

December 24, 2017

      Baptized Into Christ     The phrase “baptized into Christ”, is used in  Romans 6, verse 3,  and again in  Galatians 3, verse 27.  Romans 6:3  says;  “Or do you not know, that all of us who have been baptized into Christ, have been baptized into His death?”  And  Galatians 3:27  says;  “For all of you who were baptized into Christ, have put on Christ.”   From…


How Did He Open Your Eyes ?

December 16, 2017

          How did Jesus open your eyes ?   In  John chapter 9,  we find the story about a man who was born blind, and had lived that way into adulthood.  But then one day, along came Jesus, and He opened the man’s eyes.  It says in  verses 1 & 2;  “And as He passed by, He saw a man blind from birth.  And His disciples…


Are You A New Person ?

December 9, 2017

      “The old has passed away, Behold, the new has come”   Today I’d like us to focus on  2 Corinthians 5, verse 17.  The verse reads as follows;  “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation.  The old has passed away, behold, the new has come.”  There are several versions of the bible, including the King James, that translate that as saying, “Behold, ALL…


The Old Things Have Passed

December 7, 2017

    Behold, the new has come!   In  2 Corinthians, chapter 5,  the apostle Paul makes some contrasts between things physical, and things spiritual.  First he contrasts our physical bodies with our spiritual bodies which are to come.   He says in  verse 1;   “For we know that if our earthly tent, which is our house, is torn down, we have a building from God, a house not…


What Are Principles Of Faith ?

December 2, 2017

    What is a principle?   A principle is like a foundation isn’t it?  You can take a basic principle, and then build upon that principle.  For instance; you can take the basic principle that “honesty is the best policy”, and you can build a lifetime pattern of behavior, upon that principle. Or, you can begin with more than one principle, and put them together, and build upon them. …


Will Jesus Christ Return To the Earth ?

December 1, 2017

        I Will Come Again !   If we believe the words of the bible, then we believe that Jesus will return.  He told us that He’ll return.  He said, in  John 14, verses 1 thru 3;  “Let not your heart be troubled;  You believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father’s house, there are many dwellings;  Moreover, if it were not so, I would…


Things Sacrificed To Idols

November 25, 2017

        Sacrificing out of Love   The old law of Moses, was mainly a physical law, with requirements that governed the daily lives of the people.  Even the worship of God, under the old law, was full of physical ceremonial requirements. But when Jeremiah prophesied about the new law of Christ, he said, in  Jeremiah 31:33;  “But this is the covenant which I will make with the…


Why Should I Take The Bible Seriously ?

November 24, 2017

        Are you serious?   Is there a reason to take the bible seriously?  Is there a reason that we should be concerned with what the bible says?  We’ve got pretty good lives, what do we need the bible for?  We eat good, we’ve got a lot of recreation available to us.  Lots of fun things to do.  We’ve got friends, we’ve got family.  We’ve got belongings,…


What Is The Church Built Upon ?

November 19, 2017

          The Church’s One Foundation   I have been enjoying the opportunity to converse back and forth with a man of the Catholic faith.   And one of the things that we’ve been talking about is the church’s foundation.  In other words, what or whom, is the church of our Lord, built upon?   Jesus said in  Mathew 16, verse 18;  “I will build My church, and the…


The Last Will And Testament Of Jesus Christ

November 16, 2017

      Do You Have a Will?   How many of you have made out a “Will”?  Everyone really should have a “Will” so that we’re sure, that whatever we own, will go to the right people.  Your “Will” is really your “desire”.  Your “Will” is a statement of your desires, concerning what happens to your belongings, when you’re gone.  It’s my “will”, or my “desire”, that my money goes here,…


A Lesson From Church History

November 12, 2017

        The Early Years of the Church   In the early years of the church, some Jewish Christians were still thinking that they had to follow the law of Moses.  And after the Gentiles had been added to the church, and especially when the numbers of Gentiles were increasing, a lot of Jewish Christians taught that the Gentile Christians had to keep the law, and be circumcised. …


The Way Of Balaam – Part 2

November 3, 2017

        In the book of Revelation, when Jesus was dictating letters to be sent to the seven churches of Asia, He said in  Revelation 2, verse 14;  “But I have a few things against you, because you have there some, who hold the teaching of Balaam;  Who kept teaching Ba-lak’, to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to…


Understanding Scripture Requires Study

October 25, 2017

      Study to Understand the Scriptures   Last week, I left you with a question about  Acts 2, verse 33.  That verse says;  “Therefore, having been exalted to the right hand of God, and having received the promise of the Holy Spirit..”   My question was;  What exactly is “the promise of the Holy Spirit” that Jesus received from God the Father, after He was exalted? Before we answer…


How Did The Father Glorify The Son ?

October 20, 2017

    Glorify Thou Me   The word glorify, means to honor, or to be held in honor.  It means to praise, and to magnify, and to extol.  A word study says that, to glorify, means..  “to ascribe weight, by recognizing the real substance and value”.   To glorify GOD, means..  “To value Him for Who He truly is.  For example;  Giving glory to God, personally acknowledges, God’s true character and…


What Is, “The Way Of Balaam” ?

October 19, 2017

      The Way of Balaam, is the Way of a Donkey   Last week we talked about false prophets, and we began with this scripture from  2 Peter 2:1-3;  “But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you.  Who secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves.  And many will follow…


Beware Of False Teachers

October 19, 2017

      True Knowledge, and False Knowledge   The bible speaks of the “TRUE knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.”   2 Peter 1, verse 3. And it warns us about false knowledge, in  2 Peter 2, verses 1 thru 3.   Here’s what it says;  “But false prophets also arose among the people, (the reference there is to the people of Israel) just as there will…
