The Last Shall Be First

March 22, 2020

    Humility and Sacrifice   You’ve no doubt heard the bible phrase which says..  “The last shall be first”.  Jesus used that saying a umber of times, in different situations.  And what that saying refers to, is humility, service, and sacrifice.  When you’re humble, and when you’re willing to serve, instead of to BE served, and when you’re willing to sacrifice willing to sacrifice, you are putting yourself  “last”. …


The Promise Of God

March 14, 2020

          New Testament Promises   I’d like to read to you some of the promises that God has made to us in the new testament. First, there’s this promise from  Romans 8, verse 28.   And I think this is the favorite verse of a lot of people, because it’s such a great promise.  Here it is..  “And we know, that God causes all things to…
