The Last Shall Be First

March 22, 2020

    Humility and Sacrifice   You’ve no doubt heard the bible phrase which says..  “The last shall be first”.  Jesus used that saying a umber of times, in different situations.  And what that saying refers to, is humility, service, and sacrifice.  When you’re humble, and when you’re willing to serve, instead of to BE served, and when you’re willing to sacrifice willing to sacrifice, you are putting yourself  “last”. …


The Sin Of I, Me, Mine

March 20, 2020

      A Man With “I” Trouble   In  Luke chapter 12,  Jesus told a parable about a certain rich man who had “I” trouble.  Not “eye” spelled e-y-e;  But “I” as in the personal pronoun, “I”.  He was guilty of the sin, of “I, Me, Mine”.   The sin of “I, Me, Mine”, is when you’re only concerned about yourself, and not about anyone else, and especially not…


Pride: The First, And The Last

March 15, 2020

  Think About This Quote   I read a quote the other day, that I didn’t understand at first.  But then after I thought about it a while, I believe that the meaning occurred to me.  And I think that we can make application of it, in regards to our own spiritual lives. Let me read to you the quote;  “Pride is the first shirt that you put on, and…


Sin, Shame And Excuses

March 7, 2020

          Accountability for Sin   The bible says, in  Genesis 3, verses 7 thu 10;  “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked;  And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings.  They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife…


The Tartarus Myth

February 27, 2020

    Tartarus; It’s Origin and Meaning   Last week the subject of Tartarus was brought up in a bible class which I was conducting.  And as we continue to study the bible, that subject will continue to come up from time to time.  And since that’s the case, I believe that we all should know very clearly, what the word “tartarus” means, and so I’ve decided to put together…



February 22, 2020

  Who is Lucifer ?   If you asked a hundred people,  “Who is Lucifer?”  Probably ninety-nine of them would say that Lucifer is satan.  But that’s not what the bible says.  The King James Bible, and several other versions, use the word “Lucifer”, one time, and that one time is in  Isaiah 14, verse 12.  Some of the other English versions of the bible use the words “shinning one”, …


What’s Your Anger Type ?

February 12, 2020

  What Your Anger Says About You   I read a comment recently that made me stop and think.  The comment suggested that the things which make us angry, say a lot about us, as human beings, and as Christians.  And I realized that there’s a lot of truth in that statement, especially for the Christian.  Christians have no business feeling angry, about a lot of the things that we…


For You Are Not Under Law, But Under Grace

November 17, 2019

    Romans 6, Verse 14   A verse that causes some confusion, is  Romans 6:14,  which says;  “For sin shall not have dominion over you;  For you are not under law, but under grace.”  Obviously “law” and “grace” are being contrasted here;  But there are two specific things, concerning “law” and “grace”, which are being addressed, and we need to understand what those two things are.   The two…


It’s No Sin, To Be Tempted To Sin

May 18, 2019

    Each One Is Tempted   I want to talk to you today about temptation.  And when I talk about temptation, I’m specifically talking about the temptation to commit sin.  I’m not talking about the temptation to have another piece of chocolate cake, or the temptation to splurge on something that you know you really don’t need.  I’m talking about the temptation to sin.  The temptation to do something…


Blasphemy Of The Holy Spirit

May 9, 2019

      Are You For God, Or Against God?   Would you open your bibles to  Mathew chapter 12;  I want to read  verses 30, 31, and 32; Verse 30  says;  “He who is not with Me, is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me, scatters.”  Jesus is teaching that there is no “middle ground” when it comes to God. You’re either for God, or you’re against…


Spiritual Conditions – Part 2

April 27, 2019

    A Saved Condition, and a Lost Condition   This is Part 2 of the lesson called “Spiritual Conditions”.  In  “Spiritual Conditions – Part 1,  I referred to this as “food for thought”.  And I’d like you to look at this lesson as more “food for thought”.   The reason I call it that, is because there’s more than one way to look at this subject, and so this…


The Conflict Of Two Natures

April 27, 2019

      What’s the “Nature” of Man?   The bible tells us that a human being is made up of two “natures”.   We have a physical nature, and we have a spiritual nature.   Genesis 2, verse 7  tells us;  Then the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, (that’s our physical nature) and breathed into his nostrils, the breath of life..”  (that’s our spiritual…


Spiritual Conditions – Part 1

April 10, 2019

    What’s Your Spiritual Condition ?   I just want to give you some “food for thought” today.  Here’s a lesson on what the bible teaches, about what I call, “spiritual conditions”.  When I say “spiritual conditions”, I am contrasting, being in a spiritual “condition”, with being in spiritual “place”.  I believe that when our bibles use the word “place” in regard to our spiritual destiny, such as it…


What’s Your Spiritual Condition

April 6, 2019

    Are You in as Good a Condition, as You Used to be ?   Suppose you needed to buy a car, but you didn’t have much money, you’d probably have to look for an older car, that didn’t cost so much.  But then you’d have to worry about what condition it would be in.  So you find someone advertising an old car, and you ask him;  How does…


Neither Could They Blush

March 28, 2019

        Blushing Have you ever felt embarrassed, and blushed because of it?  Listen to what an encyclopedia says about blushing; “If we blush about doing something we shouldn’t have done, it shows that we are ashamed or embarrassed, that we recognize that something is out of place. It shows that we are sorry about this. It shows that we want to put things right. To blush at…


Go And Sin No More

February 23, 2019

  John 8, verses 2 thru 11 I’d like to read to you a short bible story about Jesus, and the scribes and the Pharisees, and an adulterous woman.  The reading is from  John chapter 8, verses 2 thru 11.  Follow along in your own bible if you’d like. “Then early in the morning, again He came into the temple (The outer courtyard of the temple, is no doubt is…


You Can Take the Boy Out Of The Country…

February 9, 2019

    But You Can’t Take The Country Out Of The Boy You’ve heard that saying haven’t you?  “You can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the boy.”   You can change that around, and you could say;  You can take the boy out of the city, or you can take the girl out of the city, or you can take…


The Peril Of Unbelief

January 5, 2019

      The Peril of Unbelief   Unbelief might be the most dangerous thing there is.  Hebrews 3, verses 12 and 13  speak of the peril of unbelief.  Here’s what it says;  “Take care brethren, lest there should be in any one of you, an evil unbelieving heart, in falling away from the living God.  But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is called today,…


Is It A Sin To Miss The Worship Assembly ?

December 9, 2018

“On The First Day of the Week When We Gathered Together..” This article is for every Christian who has ever wondered about the question;  Is it a sin to miss just one, first day of the week, worship assembly of the church?  The answer to that question depends upon the reason, for missing one worship assembly.  No one is immune from sickness, and so it’s obvious that at some time…


Humanism; Death For The Soul

December 1, 2018

      Human Ignorance Abounds   Proverbs 1, verse 7  says;  “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.  But fools despise wisdom and instruction.”  Some people actually despise God’s instructions.  And the majority of the rest, simply don’t feel they have any need for it.  It’s not that people don’t want to have knowledge, it’s just that all they want is worldly knowledge.  They don’t want…
