The Resurrected Christ

April 16, 2022

    The Day The World Calls Easter   The world of Christianity in general, looks upon today, as a very special day.  Today is looked upon as the day Christ was resurrected from the dead.  And so this day, commemorates that great event.  Christ’s resurrection was indeed a great event.  When someone speaks about the gospel of Christ, what they refer to, in short, is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus…


The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved – Part 2

April 19, 2020

    (If you missed part one, of  “The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved” may I suggest that you take a few minutes to read that previous lesson.  This next lesson will continue right on with the story.  Just click on the title, to be taken to the previous lesson)     Why Don’t We Hear More About Lazarus ?   This is the second part of our two part lesson…


The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved – Part 1

April 19, 2020

    The Beloved Disciple   I’m going to begin a two part lesson today, and I think it’s going to be an interesting one.  We’ll have part one today, and part two next week, Lord willing. There’s several things about the bible that spark our curiosity.  And the things that seems to spark our curiosity the most, are the things that are not completely revealed.  And I’m sure the…


I Was Dead, But Am Alive!

April 11, 2020

      How Important Is The Resurrection of Jesus ?   We read in  1 Corinthians 15, verse 17;  “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain, and you are still in your sins!”   And  verse 18  says;  “Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ, have perished.”  In other words, your hope is gone.  Your faith has been vain;  Your life has been vain! …


Our Eternal God And His Eternal Rest

April 8, 2020

    Eternal God   Recently I’ve talked about our Soverign God, and our Infinite God, and today I’d like to talk about our Eternal God, and His Eternal Rest. If you look up a definition of eternal, it might say..  “infinite, or unending time”.  But really, time has nothing to do with eternity.  Here’s a much better definition..  “a state of timelessness.  A state to where time has no…


The Lord’s Day

March 28, 2020

      Does The Bible Say That Sunday Is The Lord’s Day ?   In the latest edition of the Gospel Minutes newspaper, a question was submitted by someone, concerning Christians calling Sunday, “the Lord’s day”.   They said that in the scriptures, they couldn’t find anything to verify that Sunday was called “the Lord’s day”.  And I thought that Clem Thurman gave a good answer, so I’d like…


The Last Shall Be First

March 22, 2020

    Humility and Sacrifice   You’ve no doubt heard the bible phrase which says..  “The last shall be first”.  Jesus used that saying a umber of times, in different situations.  And what that saying refers to, is humility, service, and sacrifice.  When you’re humble, and when you’re willing to serve, instead of to BE served, and when you’re willing to sacrifice willing to sacrifice, you are putting yourself  “last”. …


Sin, Shame And Excuses

March 7, 2020

          Accountability for Sin   The bible says, in  Genesis 3, verses 7 thu 10;  “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked;  And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings.  They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife…


The Tartarus Myth

February 27, 2020

    Tartarus; It’s Origin and Meaning   Last week the subject of Tartarus was brought up in a bible class which I was conducting.  And as we continue to study the bible, that subject will continue to come up from time to time.  And since that’s the case, I believe that we all should know very clearly, what the word “tartarus” means, and so I’ve decided to put together…


Greater Works

February 16, 2020

  A “Gospel Minutes” Question   The Gospel Minutes, is a monthly religious paper that is put out by Clem Thurman and his nephew David Thurman.  They typically devote the majority of each edition to a bible lesson on the front and middle pages, and then the back page is devoted to answering questions that readers have submitted.   Here’s one of the questions that was recently submitted and answered…..


The Price Of Redemption

December 14, 2019

  What is Redemption ?   I’d like to begin by sharing a few verses from  Psalm 49.   First,  verses 5 thru 7;  “Why should I fear in days of adversity, when the iniquity of my foes surrounds me?  (why would I fear, the Psalmist asks)  “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: For Thou art with me; Thy…


The Resurrection At The Last Day

October 26, 2019

        Thinking about the Resurrection   You like to think about nice things don’t you?  Well, this morning, I’d like us to think about the resurrection, unto eternal life.  It’s a lovely thought, and it’s a pure thought, and it’s a true thought.  Those who die in Christ, will indeed be resurrected unto eternal life.   1 Thessalonians 4, verse 14  says;  “For if we believe that…


Worthy Art Thou !

August 30, 2019

    Worthy Art The Lamb Who Was Slain   I’d like to read to you a few passages from the book of Revelation.  Go ahead and follow along in your own bibles if you’d like.  I’m going to start at the very beginning, in  Revelation 1, verses 1 thru 3; “The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to Him, to show unto His servants, even the things which…


Facing Giants

August 6, 2019

      1 Samuel Chapter 17;  David and Goliath   Read  1 Samuel 17:1 thru 11..   All the people of Israel, including king Saul, were afraid of Goliath the giant of the Philistines.  You know, Saul was a big man himself, especially compared to the average Israelite.  It’s estimated that the average height of an Israelite was only about five, or five and a half foot tall.  One…


The Works Of The Word Of God

May 26, 2019

    The Works of the Word   I want us to consider six separate, but related works, that the Word of God has accomplished, and continues to accomplish, and will accomplish. First, the Word of God has created life, as we know it.   Second, the Word of God creates faith in God the creator.  Third, the Word of God became the sacrifice for the sins of the world. …


He Has Risen

April 20, 2019

  He Has Risen!   Would this be a good day to talk about the resurrection of Christ?  Personally, I think every day, is a good day to talk about ALL things Christ.   So then let’s go ahead and talk about Christ’s resurrection.  Let me read a few things that the bible has to say about it.. Mathew 28, verse 6  simply says;  “He is not here, for He has…


The Significance Of The First Day Of The Week – Part 5, The Lord’s Day

March 23, 2019

          “In The Spirit” The apostle John wrote in  Revelation 1, verse 10;  “I was in the spirit on the Lord’s day.”   What did John mean by that?  What did he mean when he said, “I was in the spirit..” ?  Did John’s spirit leave his body on that day?  The apostle Paul said in  2 Corinthians 12, verse 2,  that he was “caught up…


The Significance Of The First Day Of the Week – Part 3, Other Days

March 9, 2019

      Other Days Of The Week Let’s deal with the question of whether or not it’s acceptable to God, to partake of the Lord’s supper, on a day other than the first day of the week?  In our previous lesson, we saw clearly from the bible, that God has instructed us, through command and example, to come together on the first day of the week, for the purpose…


Proving Truth And Fraud Through Tongue Speaking

March 2, 2019

          The Gift of Tongues The new testament records instances, of various people speaking in tongues.  “Tongues” means “languages”.  And when people spoke in these languages which they had never been taught, it was a sign from God, that the person speaking in these languages, was speaking God’s word.  In other words, they were speaking the truth!  And their ability to speak in tongues, was proof,…


The Significance Of the First Day Of The Week – Part 2; Misc Questions

February 25, 2019

      “Breaking Bread”, The Lord’s Supper, and a Common Meal Now, concerning  Acts 20, verse 11;  We’ve already talked about how the phrase “breaking bread” is used in this verse, as well as in  verse 7.   And we talked about how, in  verse 7,  that phrase refers to partaking of the Lord’s supper, in a worship assembly, but how in  verse 11,  it simply refers to sharing…
