Where Are Fallen Angels ?

October 12, 2016

      Where Does God Keep Fallen angels?   There are two specific verses of scripture that tell about angels sinning.  One verse is on  Jude, verse 6.   The other verse is in  2 Pet 2:4.   Here are those two verses.. Jude V-6,   “And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds, under darkness for the judgment of the…


Is Satan an Angel ? – Part 3

October 11, 2016

    Did God Create Satan, And Is Satan An Angel ?   We’ve had two previous lessons on the subject of Satan.  And we’ve learned several things.  Just for a quick review, let me list what we’ve already learned from the bible. #1.  “Names” given to Satan.  The bible refers to Satan as the  “devil”,  and the  “serpent of old”,  in  Rev 12:9.   God also refers to Satan as  “the prince of…


Is Satan An Angel ? – Part 2

October 10, 2016

      Three Questions About Satan   There were three questions that we were left with in our previous lesson titled  IS SATAN AN ANGEL ?   One question is;  Is Satan indeed an angel?  Another is;  Did God create Satan?  And the last one is this;  Is Lucifer another name for Satan?  I mentioned that the name Lucifer was used one time in the bible, but that it does…


Is Satan An Angel ?

October 8, 2016

      Who or What Is Satan, And Where Did Satan Come From ?   There are lots of questions that people have about satan, but the bible doesn’t answer them all.  There’s a lot of figurative and symbolic language used in certain parts of the bible, and many times, people get the wrong impression, thinking that certain passages of scripture that use this symbolic language, are talking about…


Are There Guardian Angels ?

August 1, 2016

    Are There Guardian Angels ? / Do Guardian Angels Really Exist ?   Take a look at the picture at the top of the page and please read what it says.  Is that a true statement?  Can we say with certainty that we all have a guardian angel?  Does the bible make that statement?  If the bible doesn’t make that specific statement, does the bible at least imply…
