Our Eternal God And His Eternal Rest

April 8, 2020

    Eternal God   Recently I’ve talked about our Soverign God, and our Infinite God, and today I’d like to talk about our Eternal God, and His Eternal Rest. If you look up a definition of eternal, it might say..  “infinite, or unending time”.  But really, time has nothing to do with eternity.  Here’s a much better definition..  “a state of timelessness.  A state to where time has no…


Spiritual Conditions – Part 2

April 27, 2019

    A Saved Condition, and a Lost Condition   This is Part 2 of the lesson called “Spiritual Conditions”.  In  “Spiritual Conditions – Part 1,  I referred to this as “food for thought”.  And I’d like you to look at this lesson as more “food for thought”.   The reason I call it that, is because there’s more than one way to look at this subject, and so this…


Spiritual Conditions – Part 1

April 10, 2019

    What’s Your Spiritual Condition ?   I just want to give you some “food for thought” today.  Here’s a lesson on what the bible teaches, about what I call, “spiritual conditions”.  When I say “spiritual conditions”, I am contrasting, being in a spiritual “condition”, with being in spiritual “place”.  I believe that when our bibles use the word “place” in regard to our spiritual destiny, such as it…


What Is The Kingdom Of Heaven ?

June 16, 2018

  Thy Kingdom Come   Two phrases that are used repeatedly in the new testament are;  “the kingdom of heaven”, and  “the kingdom of God”.  Both phrases are used to refer to the very same thing.  That only makes sense, since the dwelling place of God, is heaven.  (“the heaven of heavens”, or “the highest heaven”.  There’s two more phrases that always refer to the same thing) Jesus used the…


When Will We Go To Heaven ?

March 18, 2018

          The Miracle of Enoch;  “For God Took Him”   The bible tells us of a miracle that occurred in approximately  3107 BC.  The miracle is briefly described in  Genesis 5, verse 24,  where it says;  “And Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.”   Evidently, life had gone on quite naturally for almost a thousand years, but then along came…


Are You Bound For Heaven ?

August 19, 2017

     Kingdom of Heaven, on Earth   Each congregation of the Lord’s body, is an outpost of heaven, on this earth.  The entire church is on a mission trip, gathering souls, to be taken to the Father when He calls.  Every church member, is on a “work visa”, where we work while it is day, so that we can receive our “just recompense” at the last day. We’re on…
