Our Eternal God And His Eternal Rest

April 8, 2020

    Eternal God   Recently I’ve talked about our Soverign God, and our Infinite God, and today I’d like to talk about our Eternal God, and His Eternal Rest. If you look up a definition of eternal, it might say..  “infinite, or unending time”.  But really, time has nothing to do with eternity.  Here’s a much better definition..  “a state of timelessness.  A state to where time has no…


The Tartarus Myth

February 27, 2020

    Tartarus; It’s Origin and Meaning   Last week the subject of Tartarus was brought up in a bible class which I was conducting.  And as we continue to study the bible, that subject will continue to come up from time to time.  And since that’s the case, I believe that we all should know very clearly, what the word “tartarus” means, and so I’ve decided to put together…


The Resurrection At The Last Day

October 26, 2019

        Thinking about the Resurrection   You like to think about nice things don’t you?  Well, this morning, I’d like us to think about the resurrection, unto eternal life.  It’s a lovely thought, and it’s a pure thought, and it’s a true thought.  Those who die in Christ, will indeed be resurrected unto eternal life.   1 Thessalonians 4, verse 14  says;  “For if we believe that…


Two Books Of Life

May 26, 2019

    The Book of Life   You’ve heard about the book of life, haven’t you?  Most people have, if they’re at all familiar with the bible.  It’s spoken about in the old testament, and it’s spoken about in the new testament. In  Exodus 32, verse 32,  Moses speaks these words to God;  “And yet now, if You would, forgive their sins;  But if not, blot me I pray, out…


Will God Send Souls To Hell ?

September 3, 2018

    Eternal Darkness is Eternal Separation from God   The idea of a loving God, sending people to hell, to suffer eternally, has always been a problem for people.  A lot of people refuse to accept that as the truth, and thus reject the bible.  Others don’t fully reject the bible, but they reject the idea of hell. But the bible does speak about hell.  It describes hell as…


When Will We Go To Heaven ?

March 18, 2018

          The Miracle of Enoch;  “For God Took Him”   The bible tells us of a miracle that occurred in approximately  3107 BC.  The miracle is briefly described in  Genesis 5, verse 24,  where it says;  “And Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.”   Evidently, life had gone on quite naturally for almost a thousand years, but then along came…


Does The Bible Teach A Rapture ?

March 10, 2018

      Does the Bible Teach that Christians will be Raptured from the Earth?   The meaning of the word “rapture” as people use it in relation to the bible, is to “take, to seize, or to snatch up”.   Does the bible teach that God will “snatch up” people off of this earth, and bring them to heaven?   Does the bible teach a “rapture”?  The simple answer…


Will Jesus Christ Return To the Earth ?

December 1, 2017

        I Will Come Again !   If we believe the words of the bible, then we believe that Jesus will return.  He told us that He’ll return.  He said, in  John 14, verses 1 thru 3;  “Let not your heart be troubled;  You believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father’s house, there are many dwellings;  Moreover, if it were not so, I would…


Could A Loving God Condemn Someone To Hell ?

July 30, 2017

  For It Is “Just”   Listen please, to this scripture from  2 Thessalonians 1, verses 7 thru 9;  “For it is JUST, for God to repay with affliction, those who afflict you.” “And to give relief to you who are afflicted, along with us, when the Lord shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not know God,…


Asleep In Jesus

July 4, 2017

    The Bible Says, When We Die, We Sleep   The subject of being “asleep in Jesus”, is dealt with in  1 Thess chapter 4.   We find these words in  Verses 13 & 14;   “But we do not want you to be uninformed brethren, about those who are asleep;  That you may not grieve, as do the rest, who have no hope.”  “For, if we believe that Jesus died and…


The Resurrection Body

April 25, 2017

    The Resurrection Body   The subject of the resurrection body has sparked a lot of interest among Christians.  This is evidenced by the frequency of articles published in Christian periodicals and newspapers pertaining to this subject. But it’s really not a very confusing issue at all, if we are simply willing to hear what the bible says, and believe what it says.  Many times writers will quote verses…


God’s Longest Day

February 27, 2017

  Genesis 2:1-3   “Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their hosts.  And by the seventh day, God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all the work which He had done.”  Gen 2:1-2 “Then God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it, because in it, He rested from all his work which God had created and made.” …


What Does The Bible Say About Hades ? – Part 2

February 17, 2017

      Capernaum and Hades   In our previous study, we had looked at an example of how hades was used in a figurative way, in  Mathew 11:23,  where Capernaum, who was “exalted to heaven” would be “brought down to hades”.  Now we’re going to see how hades is again used in a figurative sense in the story of the rich man and Lazarus, from  Luke 16:19-31.  We’ll just examine a…


What Does The Bible Say About Hades ?

February 16, 2017

      Hades, the Unseen Realm   The word translated “hades”, is the Greek word hah’-dace.  The meaning is..  “to not see”, or in other words, “unseen”.  It means “the unseen realm”.  Hades is the unseen realm where spirits live after being separated from the body at death.  Our spirits are still living beings, they are souls, even after they leave our bodies.   We’re told in  Ecclesiastes 12:7,  …
