The Lord’s Day

March 28, 2020

      Does The Bible Say That Sunday Is The Lord’s Day ?   In the latest edition of the Gospel Minutes newspaper, a question was submitted by someone, concerning Christians calling Sunday, “the Lord’s day”.   They said that in the scriptures, they couldn’t find anything to verify that Sunday was called “the Lord’s day”.  And I thought that Clem Thurman gave a good answer, so I’d like…


The Silence Of The Scriptures – Part 1, The Lord’s Supper

November 13, 2019

      Does Silence Mean Liberty, or Constraint ?   There’s a lot of debate concerning the “silence of the scriptures”.  Some people say that what the bible is silent about, we have the freedom of choice over.  Others say that what the bible is silent about, is forbidden to us.  So, what’s the truth?  Well, in reality, both beliefs are correct.  So how could they both be correct,…


What Church Should I Join ?

July 27, 2019

      Help Me Choose A Church   Here’s a question that someone posted on Facebook last week..  I have a friend, a single older lady, who just moved here from Iowa, and she’s looking for a church to join.  She’s used to a not so large church.  What church do you go to, and what do you like best about it? Now, the last time I checked, there…


What Does God Want From Me ?

June 29, 2019

    Two Things God Wants From You   I want to talk about just two things, that God wants from you, as individual.  If we wanted to, we could put those two things into just one category.  And that one category would be, our love.  What God wants from you, and what God wants from me, is our love.  If we fully gave our love to God, we’d be…


The Significance Of The First Day Of The Week – Part 4; Giving

March 17, 2019

          Abiding In Christ In our previous lesson, we considered the worship act of partaking of the Lord’s supper on the first day of the week.  The first day of the week is the only day mentioned in scripture, as the day when Christians engaged in this worship act.  Since we’re told in  2 John, verse 9,  to “abide in the teaching of Christ”, and to…


The Various Aspects Of Giving

March 16, 2019

          I want to talk about at least five aspects of giving.  And those five aspects are;  Bountifully, (or generously) Cheerfully, Purposefully, Proportionately, and Sacrificially.   Giving Generously The Lord tells us in  2 Corinthians 9, verse 6,  to give generously.  That verse says;  “Now this I say, he who sows sparingly, shall also reap sparingly;  And he who sows bountifully, shall also reap bountifully.” It’s…


The Significance Of The First Day Of the Week – Part 3, Other Days

March 9, 2019

      Other Days Of The Week Let’s deal with the question of whether or not it’s acceptable to God, to partake of the Lord’s supper, on a day other than the first day of the week?  In our previous lesson, we saw clearly from the bible, that God has instructed us, through command and example, to come together on the first day of the week, for the purpose…


The Significance Of the First Day Of The Week – Part 2; Misc Questions

February 25, 2019

      “Breaking Bread”, The Lord’s Supper, and a Common Meal Now, concerning  Acts 20, verse 11;  We’ve already talked about how the phrase “breaking bread” is used in this verse, as well as in  verse 7.   And we talked about how, in  verse 7,  that phrase refers to partaking of the Lord’s supper, in a worship assembly, but how in  verse 11,  it simply refers to sharing…


The Significance Of The First Day Of The Week – Part 1

February 15, 2019

  Are Christians Expected to Gather Together for Worship? It is common for Christians to assemble together on the first day of the week to worship God.  We’re instructed to come together for worship, and in the bible, we’re given the example of first century Christians coming together for worship.  The entire fourteenth chapter of  1 Corinthians  deals with the subject of coming together for worship.   Verse 19  says; …


Edification Or Gratification ?

January 19, 2019

      Do You attend Worship to be Edified, or to be Gratified?   I think a lot of people attend worship for the wrong reasons.  First of all, our worship is something that we are giving God.  It’s not something we’re supposed to be giving to ourselves.  Jesus reminds us in  Luke 4, verse 8,  that “It is written;  You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve…


O Worship The King !

January 17, 2019

    It Feels Good To Worship God!   Some things just make us happy, don’t they?  And for a Christian, it should make us happy, to worship God.   If you love God, why wouldn’t you be glad to worship Him?  Why wouldn’t it feel good to pray to Him?  Why wouldn’t it feel good to be with God?  Of course, we don’t have to be in a worship…


Sing And Be Happy Today !

December 25, 2018

        Your First Day In Heaven   If  you’re a Christian, there’s not one reason that you shouldn’t sing and be happy, today, and every day!   The promise of eternal life in heaven with God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, should override every care and concern that we might have in this life. Just look at the joy, and the emotion, on the face…


But The Bible Doesn’t Say We Can’t Do It

December 20, 2018

        Bible Authority   The subject of bible authority, is one of the most important subjects that there is when it comes to our faith, and to our conduct as Christians.  But most people don’t realize and appreciate, just how important it really is.  I think that one of the reasons for that is because most people don’t take individual verses and passages seriously enough.  People read…


Is It A Sin To Miss The Worship Assembly ?

December 9, 2018

“On The First Day of the Week When We Gathered Together..” This article is for every Christian who has ever wondered about the question;  Is it a sin to miss just one, first day of the week, worship assembly of the church?  The answer to that question depends upon the reason, for missing one worship assembly.  No one is immune from sickness, and so it’s obvious that at some time…


Should We Give On The First Day Of The Week ?

October 7, 2017

      The Pattern and History of our Giving   I’d like to read the first four verses of  1 Corinthians chapter 16.. “Now concerning the collection for the saints;  As I directed the congregations of Galatia, so do you also.  Against the first day of every week, let each one of you put aside and save, as he may prosper, that no collections be made when I arrive.  And…


Whose Name Is Reverend ?

September 30, 2017

      Reverend is His Name   Psalm 111, verse 9,  says;  “He has sent redemption to His people.  He has commanded His covenant forever.  Holy and reverend is His name.”   I think that a lot of people hear that verse, and think that the word “reverend” is a proper name for God.  It’s kind of like saying;  Bill is his name, or John is his name.  When referring…


Is It Wrong To Eat In The Building Where Christians Worship ?

May 5, 2017

  Is It Sinful To Eat In the Same Building That We Worship In?   The scriptures say, in  1 Cor 11:22,  “What!  Do you not have houses to eat and drink in?  Or do you despise the assembly of God, and shame those who have nothing?  What shall I say to you?  Shall I praise you?  In this I will not praise you.” That is the verse of scripture…


New Testament Worship

April 24, 2017

      The Worship Service   Today’s worship services, are no doubt a little different from the worship services described in the bible.  We’ve tried to pattern ourselves as much as we can, after the examples given in the new testament, but there are some things that we just can’t duplicate. For instance;  The bible says in  1 Cor 14:26,  “What is the outcome then brethren?  When you assemble,…


What Are Sacraments ?

December 4, 2016

          Almost all Christian religious groups will speak of “sacraments”.  But what are sacraments?  What does the word “sacrament” mean?  Let’s start with the meaning of the word “sacrament”.  The word itself comes from the Latin word, “sacramentum”, and it’s meaning is.. “a solemn oath”.  “Sacramentum” comes from another Latin word, “sacrare” meaning.. “to hallow, or to consecrate”.   And to “hallow, or consecrate” means..  to make something holy. …
