The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved – Part 2

April 19, 2020

    (If you missed part one, of  “The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved” may I suggest that you take a few minutes to read that previous lesson.  This next lesson will continue right on with the story.  Just click on the title, to be taken to the previous lesson)     Why Don’t We Hear More About Lazarus ?   This is the second part of our two part lesson…


The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved – Part 1

April 19, 2020

    The Beloved Disciple   I’m going to begin a two part lesson today, and I think it’s going to be an interesting one.  We’ll have part one today, and part two next week, Lord willing. There’s several things about the bible that spark our curiosity.  And the things that seems to spark our curiosity the most, are the things that are not completely revealed.  And I’m sure the…


The Book Of Jude

February 15, 2020

      The Book of Jude, A Letter From God   Verse 1;  “Jude, servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James;  To those loved by God, even called and guarded in Jesus Christ.”  That might be just slightly different from the wording in your bible, but that is the most literal translation of the verse.  “..To those loved by God, even called and guarded in Jesus Christ.”  Instead…


James 5, Verses 13 thru 20

January 19, 2020

Concerning James 5, Verses 13 thru 20   Verse 13  introduces a new subject matter, from the previous verses.  James had been talking about those who trust in their riches, instead of trusting in God.  And he had been talking about how the rich sometimes persecute the poor.  And he talked about being patient, and waiting on the Lord, to receive the Lord’s blessings.  And he talked about treating one…


Separated Unto The Gospel

October 17, 2019

      Separated Unto the Gospel of God   The apostle Paul wrote, in  Romans 1, verse 1;  “Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God.”  You too, are called by God.  Not called to be an apostle, but to be a Christian.  And just like Paul, you are “separated unto the gospel”.   As a Christian, you are called…


1 Peter Chapter 2, Verses 4 Thru 8

October 7, 2019

    Living Stones   1 Peter 2, verse 4,  begins with the words;  “To whom coming..”  And the reference of course is to the Lord.   Verse 3,   had said;  “If you have tasted that the LORD is gracious;  To whom coming..”  And the meaning is..  “To whom YOU are coming;  A living stone, indeed rejected by men, but with God, elect, and precious.” With God, things are…


1 Peter Chapter 2, Verses 1 Thru 3

September 28, 2019

    Putting Away Sin, And Longing for the Word   Verses 1 & 2;  “Putting away therefore, all wickedness, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, as newborn babes, long for the spiritual milk, which is without guile, that you may grow thereby unto salvation..” Those verses remind me of  James 1, verse 21.  Listen to the similarity.  James says;  “Wherefore, putting away all filthiness,…


The Book of Acts, Bible Study

March 24, 2019

  A Study of The Book of Acts;  The Acts of the Apostles Welcome to our study of the book of Acts.  The proper title should probably be, “The Acts of the Apostles”, because that’s really what the book tells of.  It tells of the various things which the apostles of Jesus Christ did, from the time that Jesus ascended back to heaven, until the end of the apostle Paul’s…
