The Tartarus Myth

February 27, 2020

    Tartarus; It’s Origin and Meaning   Last week the subject of Tartarus was brought up in a bible class which I was conducting.  And as we continue to study the bible, that subject will continue to come up from time to time.  And since that’s the case, I believe that we all should know very clearly, what the word “tartarus” means, and so I’ve decided to put together…


Spiritual Conditions – Part 2

April 27, 2019

    A Saved Condition, and a Lost Condition   This is Part 2 of the lesson called “Spiritual Conditions”.  In  “Spiritual Conditions – Part 1,  I referred to this as “food for thought”.  And I’d like you to look at this lesson as more “food for thought”.   The reason I call it that, is because there’s more than one way to look at this subject, and so this…


Spiritual Conditions – Part 1

April 10, 2019

    What’s Your Spiritual Condition ?   I just want to give you some “food for thought” today.  Here’s a lesson on what the bible teaches, about what I call, “spiritual conditions”.  When I say “spiritual conditions”, I am contrasting, being in a spiritual “condition”, with being in spiritual “place”.  I believe that when our bibles use the word “place” in regard to our spiritual destiny, such as it…


Will God Send Souls To Hell ?

September 3, 2018

    Eternal Darkness is Eternal Separation from God   The idea of a loving God, sending people to hell, to suffer eternally, has always been a problem for people.  A lot of people refuse to accept that as the truth, and thus reject the bible.  Others don’t fully reject the bible, but they reject the idea of hell. But the bible does speak about hell.  It describes hell as…


How Shall We Escape ?

July 18, 2018

  Will you escape?  That’s the question.   Hebrews 2, verse 3  asks us the question;  “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great a salvation?”   We need to escape the condition, of eternal torment and suffering, that the bible calls hell!  But how are we going to escape hell, if we neglect the salvation that God has offered us?  You tell me, How are we gonna do…
