The Promise Of God

March 14, 2020

          New Testament Promises   I’d like to read to you some of the promises that God has made to us in the new testament. First, there’s this promise from  Romans 8, verse 28.   And I think this is the favorite verse of a lot of people, because it’s such a great promise.  Here it is..  “And we know, that God causes all things to…


Are You Anointed By God ? – Part 2

January 17, 2020

      How Are Christians Anointed ?   You’ve undoubtedly heard of the ancient practice of someone being anointed with oil.  In the old testament, the word “oil” literally means “fat”.  Most of the time, when the old testament talks about oil, it’s talking about olive oil.  And the oil from the olive, is referred to as “the fat” of the olive. And when someone was anointed with oil,…


The Works Of The Word Of God

May 26, 2019

    The Works of the Word   I want us to consider six separate, but related works, that the Word of God has accomplished, and continues to accomplish, and will accomplish. First, the Word of God has created life, as we know it.   Second, the Word of God creates faith in God the creator.  Third, the Word of God became the sacrifice for the sins of the world. …


A Comprehensive Study Of The Holy Spirit Of God – Part 4

May 11, 2019

    The Promised Gift of the Holy Spirit   This part of our study of the Holy Spirit, deals with receiving the Holy Spirit.  To begin with, we need to understand that receiving the Holy Spirit, is not the same thing as receiving “the gift” of the Holy Spirit.  Receiving “the gift” of the Holy Spirit is spoken of in  Acts 2:38.  In that verse, the “gift” being spoken…


A Comprehensive Study Of The Holy Spirit Of God – Part 3

March 23, 2019

    Who Raised Jesus From the Dead?   Who raised Jesus from the dead?  The SPIRIT did!  The Holy Spirit of God raised Jesus from the dead!  God raised Jesus, through the power of His Holy Spirit, who specifically accomplishes the will of God.  And that very same Spirit will also raise us, from being dead in sin, IF we allow that Spirit to dwell in us.  So then,…


Proving Truth And Fraud Through Tongue Speaking

March 2, 2019

          The Gift of Tongues The new testament records instances, of various people speaking in tongues.  “Tongues” means “languages”.  And when people spoke in these languages which they had never been taught, it was a sign from God, that the person speaking in these languages, was speaking God’s word.  In other words, they were speaking the truth!  And their ability to speak in tongues, was proof,…


A Comprehensive Study Of The Holy Spirit Of God – Part 2

February 2, 2019

    The “Role” and the “Work” of the Holy Spirit   In  Part 1  of this study, we saw how the bible portrays the Holy Spirit as the “power” of God.  By the word “power”, I mean the active force that accomplishes the will of God.  For example, it was the Spirit of God (aka the Holy Spirit) who was “moving over the face of the waters” during the…


A Comprehensive Study Of The Holy Spirit Of God – Part 1

January 26, 2019

      Who Is The Holy Spirit ?   In our study of the Holy Spirit, the first thing we need to do, is to answer the question, “Who is the Holy Spirit”?  And of course we’re not going to speculate about it, but as with all things, we’re going to simply see what the bible says about it.  Then we’ll be sure that we know the truth of…


Is Your Body A Temple ?

September 2, 2018

    Does the Spirit of God Dwell in You?   Turn to  1 Corinthians chapter 6  if you would.   Verse 19  says;  “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit in you, which you have from God, and you are not your own?”    “The holy Spirit, in you..”  The KJV adds the word “which”;  “The holy Spirit which is in…
