
February 22, 2020

  Who is Lucifer ?   If you asked a hundred people,  “Who is Lucifer?”  Probably ninety-nine of them would say that Lucifer is satan.  But that’s not what the bible says.  The King James Bible, and several other versions, use the word “Lucifer”, one time, and that one time is in  Isaiah 14, verse 12.  Some of the other English versions of the bible use the words “shinning one”, …


The Prodigal God

December 10, 2019

      The Riches of God   You’re familiar with the parable of the Prodigal God, right?  The “Prodigal God”?  Yes..  No..?   How about the “Prodigal Son”?  You’re familiar with that one aren’t you?  Well, it’s the same parable..  The Prodigal Son, or, The Prodigal God..   same parable. I’ll explain that to you in a few minutes, but first, I’d like to talk to you about some…


The Vine And The Branches

October 21, 2018

    Scripture Reading;  John 15:1 thru 11   Our newspaper article this week is going to be about that parable of the vine and the branches.  And so I thought we all should review that lesson from Jesus.  Jesus began His lesson with these words;  “I am the Vine, the True..”  In other words, “I am the true vine..”  In this little analogy, it’s the vine, that gives life…


The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Like..

October 5, 2017

          How Can We Describe God’s Kingdom?   In  Mathew 13,  Jesus likens the kingdom of heaven to several things.  He likens it to a mustard seed, and He likens it to leaven.  He compares the kingdom to a treasure hidden in a field, and to a costly pearl, and even to a fishing net that’s cast into the sea. Jesus says in  verse 24;  “The…


The Parables Of The Vineyard

July 24, 2016

    The Parables of the Vineyard   There’s more than just one parable of a vineyard, recorded in the bible.  We’re going to look at one from the Old Testament, and one from the New Testament.   Isaiah Chapter 5   Is 5:1-7, “Let me sing now for my well-beloved, a song of my beloved concerning His vineyard.  My well-beloved had a vineyard on a fertile hill.  He dug…
