Our Infinite God

April 4, 2020

      Words to Describe Our Infinite God   There are many words that have been used to describe our Almighty God.  “Almighty” is just one of them.  But other words are “eternal”, which in the case of God, means without beginning and without end.  And “Omniscient”, which means..  all knowing, with absolutely nothing being hidden from His awareness;  And “omnipresent”, which means, in the ultimate sense..  to be…


Our Sovereign God

April 4, 2020

    What Does Sovereign Mean ?   I was asked by someone what sovereign means, and I had to pause a minute and think about how I would define the word.  And my first thought was “self-governing” or “self-ruling”.   I remembered the term “sovereign state” and I thought of a state that is self-governing, and under no one else’s control.  And I thought of a king’s sovereignty, as…


The Book Of Jude

February 15, 2020

      The Book of Jude, A Letter From God   Verse 1;  “Jude, servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James;  To those loved by God, even called and guarded in Jesus Christ.”  That might be just slightly different from the wording in your bible, but that is the most literal translation of the verse.  “..To those loved by God, even called and guarded in Jesus Christ.”  Instead…


James 5, Verses 13 thru 20

January 19, 2020

Concerning James 5, Verses 13 thru 20   Verse 13  introduces a new subject matter, from the previous verses.  James had been talking about those who trust in their riches, instead of trusting in God.  And he had been talking about how the rich sometimes persecute the poor.  And he talked about being patient, and waiting on the Lord, to receive the Lord’s blessings.  And he talked about treating one…


God’s Everlasting Covenants – Part 3, God’s Salvation

December 7, 2019

      God’s Covenants and God’s Salvation   Today I want to continue our study about God’s covenants.  And I want to show you how God’s covenants, are intertwined, with God’s eternal “purpose”, which is the salvation of man’s soul.  Often times, we refer to this “eternal purpose”, as God’s “plan of salvation”.   But in  Ephesians 3, verse 11,  God calls it His “purpose”.  Here’s what it says…


Knowledge, Rational Thinking, & Understanding

November 23, 2019

      Three Accounts of the Lord’s Supper   Mathew, Mark, and Luke, all give an account of the evening when Jesus gave His instructions about the Lord’s supper.  But they don’t all give exactly the same account.  And that’s where the problem begins.  People then claim that the bible contradicts itself, and therefore cannot be trusted.  How can the bible be the word of God, if it can’t…


The Silence Of The Scriptures – Part 2, The Worship Assembly

November 17, 2019

    The Silence of the Scriptures, and Our Worship   Jesus said, in  Luke 4, verse 8;  “..It is written;  You shall worship the Lord thy God, and Him only, shall you serve.”  The bible isn’t silent about worshipping God.  “It is written;  You SHALL worship, the Lord thy God..”   And it’s also written, in  John 4:24;  “God is Spirit, an those who worship Him, MUST worship in…


God’s Everlasting Covenants – Part 1

November 16, 2019

An Everlasting Covenant   Today I want to talk about the subject, of what the bible calls, an “everlasting covenant”.  The bible uses the phrase “everlasting covenant”, fifteen times, in the King James Version.  That phrase is used fourteen times in the old testament, and once in the new testament.  But the phrase doesn’t always refer to the same covenant.  That phrase is actually used in reference to four different…


God’s Everlasting Covenants – Part 2

November 16, 2019

      God’s Covenants With Man   You’ll probably remember from last week, how I said that the bible uses the phrase “everlasting covenant”, in regards to four different covenants that He has made with man.  The first one was the covenant of the rainbow in the sky, and God’s promise to never again destroy the world with a flood of water.  That’s from  Genesis 9, 11 thru 17….


The Silence Of The Scriptures – Part 1, The Lord’s Supper

November 13, 2019

      Does Silence Mean Liberty, or Constraint ?   There’s a lot of debate concerning the “silence of the scriptures”.  Some people say that what the bible is silent about, we have the freedom of choice over.  Others say that what the bible is silent about, is forbidden to us.  So, what’s the truth?  Well, in reality, both beliefs are correct.  So how could they both be correct,…


Making Bible Study Fun

November 7, 2019

        Do You Think Bible Study Should Be Fun?     Here’s a question for you;  Do you think that bible study should be fun?  I do.  When we try to teach the bible to little children, it’s pretty much accepted, that you’ve got to find a way to make it fun for them.  Otherwise, they wouldn’t be interested, right?  Bible study would be completely boring for…


Separated Unto The Gospel

October 17, 2019

      Separated Unto the Gospel of God   The apostle Paul wrote, in  Romans 1, verse 1;  “Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God.”  You too, are called by God.  Not called to be an apostle, but to be a Christian.  And just like Paul, you are “separated unto the gospel”.   As a Christian, you are called…


1 Peter Chapter 2, Verses 4 Thru 8

October 7, 2019

    Living Stones   1 Peter 2, verse 4,  begins with the words;  “To whom coming..”  And the reference of course is to the Lord.   Verse 3,   had said;  “If you have tasted that the LORD is gracious;  To whom coming..”  And the meaning is..  “To whom YOU are coming;  A living stone, indeed rejected by men, but with God, elect, and precious.” With God, things are…


1 Peter Chapter 2, Verses 1 Thru 3

September 28, 2019

    Putting Away Sin, And Longing for the Word   Verses 1 & 2;  “Putting away therefore, all wickedness, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, as newborn babes, long for the spiritual milk, which is without guile, that you may grow thereby unto salvation..” Those verses remind me of  James 1, verse 21.  Listen to the similarity.  James says;  “Wherefore, putting away all filthiness,…


A Comprehensive Study Of The Holy Spirit Of God – Part 4

May 11, 2019

    The Promised Gift of the Holy Spirit   This part of our study of the Holy Spirit, deals with receiving the Holy Spirit.  To begin with, we need to understand that receiving the Holy Spirit, is not the same thing as receiving “the gift” of the Holy Spirit.  Receiving “the gift” of the Holy Spirit is spoken of in  Acts 2:38.  In that verse, the “gift” being spoken…


Hungering For The Fatness Of God

May 4, 2019

            The Fatness of God   The bible says, in  Psalm 36, verses 7 & 8;  “How precious is Thy lovingkindness O God!  And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Thy wings.  They drink their fill, of the fatness of Thy house, and Thou does give them to drink of the river of Thy delights.”   What’s “the fatness of God”?…


Spiritual Conditions – Part 2

April 27, 2019

    A Saved Condition, and a Lost Condition   This is Part 2 of the lesson called “Spiritual Conditions”.  In  “Spiritual Conditions – Part 1,  I referred to this as “food for thought”.  And I’d like you to look at this lesson as more “food for thought”.   The reason I call it that, is because there’s more than one way to look at this subject, and so this…


Bible Translations And Doctrines Of Men

April 13, 2019

    Literal Translations vs Paraphrasing   Most English versions of the bible do a pretty good job of trying to give a literal translation of what has been written in the original Greek text.  However, at times, the translators personal opinions have entered into their decision on how to translate a word.  An example of this is how the KJ translators, have translated the word “Passover”, in  Acts 12,…


Spiritual Conditions – Part 1

April 10, 2019

    What’s Your Spiritual Condition ?   I just want to give you some “food for thought” today.  Here’s a lesson on what the bible teaches, about what I call, “spiritual conditions”.  When I say “spiritual conditions”, I am contrasting, being in a spiritual “condition”, with being in spiritual “place”.  I believe that when our bibles use the word “place” in regard to our spiritual destiny, such as it…


A Comprehensive Study Of The Holy Spirit Of God – Part 3

March 23, 2019

    Who Raised Jesus From the Dead?   Who raised Jesus from the dead?  The SPIRIT did!  The Holy Spirit of God raised Jesus from the dead!  God raised Jesus, through the power of His Holy Spirit, who specifically accomplishes the will of God.  And that very same Spirit will also raise us, from being dead in sin, IF we allow that Spirit to dwell in us.  So then,…
