The Glory Of Your Spirit

March 6, 2020

            Think About the Glory of Your Spirit..   Think about the glory of your spirit, and the glory of every Christian’s spirit.  Most people spend far too much time thinking about the glory of their appearance, but spend very little time thinking about the glory of their spirit.  But everyone is born with a glorious spirit. God said in  Genesis 1, verse 26;  “Let…


What’s Your Anger Type ?

February 12, 2020

  What Your Anger Says About You   I read a comment recently that made me stop and think.  The comment suggested that the things which make us angry, say a lot about us, as human beings, and as Christians.  And I realized that there’s a lot of truth in that statement, especially for the Christian.  Christians have no business feeling angry, about a lot of the things that we…


The Scepter Of Righteousness

January 29, 2020

      The Scepter of the Kingdom of God   Consider if you would, the words of  Hebrews 1, verse 8;  “..And the scepter of righteousness, is the scepter of Thy kingdom.” A scepter is basically a rod, or a staff;  However a scepter is almost always an ornamented staff, or a decorated staff, that a king or an emperor would carry in his hands, especially on ceremonial occasions. …


What Is The Spirit, Of Your Spirit ?

January 25, 2020

    Does your Spirit Possess the Proper Spirit ?   In 1968, Kenny Rogers was with a group called The First Edition, and they recorded a song called “I Just Dropped In, To See What Condition My Condition Was In”.   And that became the chorus of the song..  “To see what condition my condition was in”. I suppose maybe you’d call that, a play-on-words, and the reason that I…


Remember Thy Creator

January 1, 2020

    Ecclesiastes Chapter 12   (1)  “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, before the evil days come, and the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them.    (2)  While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain: (3)  In the day when the keepers of the…


There Goes My Life

November 2, 2019

      Christ Is My Life   Would you open your bibles to the book of Galatians, and follow along with me as I read just one verse.  I’d like you to be able to actually look at the verse, so that you can really think about what’s being said.  The verse is Galatians chapter 2, verse 20.   Here’s what the apostle Paul said in that verse;  “I…


The Christian And Self-Control

August 23, 2019

    Exercising  Self-Control   Today I’d like you to think about self-control.  A Christian is expected to exercise self-control, no matter what comes our way in life.  In our times of difficulty, and in our times of sadness, and in our times of anger, and even in our times of celebration. Self-control, is one of the “fruits of the Spirit”, listed in  Galatians 5, verses 22 & 23.  …


The Christain And Illegal Immigration

August 17, 2019

    A Sanctuary Church   I saw an advertisement on the internet last week that made the proclamation that The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, has passed a measure declaring their entire denomination to be a “sanctuary church” for migrants, including those who entered the United States illegally. How should we feel about that?  Is that a good thing, or is it a sad thing?  How should a Christian…


Love The Sinner, Hate The Sin ?

July 7, 2019

      Is It Biblical to Love the Sinner, and Hate the Sin ?   I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, that we should love the sinner, but hate the sin.  Some people probably think that saying comes from the bible, but it doesn’t.  The idea expressed in that saying, comes from the bible, but the saying itself was made up by man. I believe the saying was first…


What Does God Want From Me ?

June 29, 2019

    Two Things God Wants From You   I want to talk about just two things, that God wants from you, as individual.  If we wanted to, we could put those two things into just one category.  And that one category would be, our love.  What God wants from you, and what God wants from me, is our love.  If we fully gave our love to God, we’d be…
