Learning From Jesus

April 9, 2022

    Learn From Jesus and His Word   “Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me.  For I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”   Those are the words of Jesus, from  Mat chapter 11, and verse 29.   A lot of people think that when Jesus said, “Take My yoke upon you”,  that He meant to take His burden, upon yourself. …


The Sin Of I, Me, Mine

March 20, 2020

      A Man With “I” Trouble   In  Luke chapter 12,  Jesus told a parable about a certain rich man who had “I” trouble.  Not “eye” spelled e-y-e;  But “I” as in the personal pronoun, “I”.  He was guilty of the sin, of “I, Me, Mine”.   The sin of “I, Me, Mine”, is when you’re only concerned about yourself, and not about anyone else, and especially not…


Pride: The First, And The Last

March 15, 2020

  Think About This Quote   I read a quote the other day, that I didn’t understand at first.  But then after I thought about it a while, I believe that the meaning occurred to me.  And I think that we can make application of it, in regards to our own spiritual lives. Let me read to you the quote;  “Pride is the first shirt that you put on, and…


Sin, Shame And Excuses

March 7, 2020

          Accountability for Sin   The bible says, in  Genesis 3, verses 7 thu 10;  “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked;  And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings.  They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife…


The Glory Of Your Spirit

March 6, 2020

            Think About the Glory of Your Spirit..   Think about the glory of your spirit, and the glory of every Christian’s spirit.  Most people spend far too much time thinking about the glory of their appearance, but spend very little time thinking about the glory of their spirit.  But everyone is born with a glorious spirit. God said in  Genesis 1, verse 26;  “Let…


What’s Your Anger Type ?

February 12, 2020

  What Your Anger Says About You   I read a comment recently that made me stop and think.  The comment suggested that the things which make us angry, say a lot about us, as human beings, and as Christians.  And I realized that there’s a lot of truth in that statement, especially for the Christian.  Christians have no business feeling angry, about a lot of the things that we…


What Is The Spirit, Of Your Spirit ?

January 25, 2020

    Does your Spirit Possess the Proper Spirit ?   In 1968, Kenny Rogers was with a group called The First Edition, and they recorded a song called “I Just Dropped In, To See What Condition My Condition Was In”.   And that became the chorus of the song..  “To see what condition my condition was in”. I suppose maybe you’d call that, a play-on-words, and the reason that I…


Having God On Your Side

January 3, 2020

    God is on My Side !   Psalm 56, verse 9  says;  “Then shall my enemies turn back, in the day that I call;  This I know, that God is for me!”  Psalm 111:6  says;  “Jehovah is on my side, I will not fear.  What can man do unto me?”     Is God on Your Side ?     I want to read a quote from Jesus. …



December 23, 2019

    Tis The Season   The bible tells us, in Ecclesiastes 3, verse 1;  “For everything, there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.”  A “season” is a definite, appointed time;  A “time” appointed by God.  We’re told in  verse 2;  “There is, a “time to be born, and a time to die”.   Galatians 4, verse 4  says;  “But when the fullness of time…


Let Not Many Be Teachers

November 30, 2019

    James Chapter 3, Verse 1   James Chapter 3, verse 1,  says;  “Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing, that we will receive greater, judgment.”  James is classifying himself there, as a “teacher”.    A “teacher” in that verse and others, refers to someone who not only “teaches” God’s word, but it refers to someone who is specially “equipped” and “qualified”, to teach others;  About…


There Goes My Life

November 2, 2019

      Christ Is My Life   Would you open your bibles to the book of Galatians, and follow along with me as I read just one verse.  I’d like you to be able to actually look at the verse, so that you can really think about what’s being said.  The verse is Galatians chapter 2, verse 20.   Here’s what the apostle Paul said in that verse;  “I…


Separated Yet Joined Together

October 12, 2019

        Separate from the World, Joined to Christ   I want to begin by quoting a scripture, and I’d like you to hang onto this quote, and think about it as we go through this study this morning.  This is from  Psalm 116, verses 9 & 10;  “I will walk before Jehovah, in the land of the living.  I have believed, therefore I have spoken.”   There’s…


How Dare You ! A Gospel Sermon – Part 2

October 1, 2019

      How Dare Anyone, Contradict the Word of God!   Our topic is contradicting the word of God.  How dare anyone contradict, what God has said..  What God has ordained!   “For the Lord of Hosts has purposed, and who shall disannul it?  His hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?”   (Isaiah 14:27) Is a human being going to change God’s plan of salvation,…


How Dare You ! A Gospel Sermon – Part 1

September 29, 2019

    How Dare You Contradict God !   Have you ever heard someone say these words..  “How dare you!”  Why would someone say that?  Would it be because you questioned their truthfulness?  Would it be because you opposed their authority?  Would it be because someone openly defied what you had told them? Imagine this;  Imagine you have a child, who comes home from school, and asks if they can…


Prayer – Part 2

September 12, 2019

    What Prayer, Is Not   Last week we talked about prayer, with the main focus being on what prayer is.  And of course, to put it very simply, prayer is talking to God.  It’s talking to the Almighty God, the creator and sustainer of all things;  And it’s talking to our Father in heaven, and it’s talking to the one who should be, our very closest friend. And…


Prayer – Part 1

September 5, 2019

    What is Prayer ?   This will be at least a two-part lesson, this week and next week.  Today I’d like to talk about, What is prayer?  Next week I want us to consider what prayer is NOT. But for now, what is prayer?  Prayer is simply talking to God.   There’s nothing mysterious about prayer, and there’s nothing complicated about it, or hard to understand, it’s simply…


The Christian And Self-Control

August 23, 2019

    Exercising  Self-Control   Today I’d like you to think about self-control.  A Christian is expected to exercise self-control, no matter what comes our way in life.  In our times of difficulty, and in our times of sadness, and in our times of anger, and even in our times of celebration. Self-control, is one of the “fruits of the Spirit”, listed in  Galatians 5, verses 22 & 23.  …


The Christain And Illegal Immigration

August 17, 2019

    A Sanctuary Church   I saw an advertisement on the internet last week that made the proclamation that The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, has passed a measure declaring their entire denomination to be a “sanctuary church” for migrants, including those who entered the United States illegally. How should we feel about that?  Is that a good thing, or is it a sad thing?  How should a Christian…


Facing Giants

August 6, 2019

      1 Samuel Chapter 17;  David and Goliath   Read  1 Samuel 17:1 thru 11..   All the people of Israel, including king Saul, were afraid of Goliath the giant of the Philistines.  You know, Saul was a big man himself, especially compared to the average Israelite.  It’s estimated that the average height of an Israelite was only about five, or five and a half foot tall.  One…


Don’t Disappoint The One Who Loves You

August 4, 2019

        Disappointment   Have you ever been disappointed by the actions of another?  Sure you have, everyone, at some time or another has been disappointed by what someone else has done.  Have you ever been the one who has disappointed someone else?  I’m sure that I have.  I’m not happy with that fact, but I’m sure that it’s happened. In just very casual relationships, I’ve come to…
