The Resurrected Christ

April 16, 2022

    The Day The World Calls Easter   The world of Christianity in general, looks upon today, as a very special day.  Today is looked upon as the day Christ was resurrected from the dead.  And so this day, commemorates that great event.  Christ’s resurrection was indeed a great event.  When someone speaks about the gospel of Christ, what they refer to, in short, is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus…


Learning From Jesus

April 9, 2022

    Learn From Jesus and His Word   “Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me.  For I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”   Those are the words of Jesus, from  Mat chapter 11, and verse 29.   A lot of people think that when Jesus said, “Take My yoke upon you”,  that He meant to take His burden, upon yourself. …


The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved – Part 2

April 19, 2020

    (If you missed part one, of  “The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved” may I suggest that you take a few minutes to read that previous lesson.  This next lesson will continue right on with the story.  Just click on the title, to be taken to the previous lesson)     Why Don’t We Hear More About Lazarus ?   This is the second part of our two part lesson…


The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved – Part 1

April 19, 2020

    The Beloved Disciple   I’m going to begin a two part lesson today, and I think it’s going to be an interesting one.  We’ll have part one today, and part two next week, Lord willing. There’s several things about the bible that spark our curiosity.  And the things that seems to spark our curiosity the most, are the things that are not completely revealed.  And I’m sure the…


The Last Shall Be First

March 22, 2020

    Humility and Sacrifice   You’ve no doubt heard the bible phrase which says..  “The last shall be first”.  Jesus used that saying a umber of times, in different situations.  And what that saying refers to, is humility, service, and sacrifice.  When you’re humble, and when you’re willing to serve, instead of to BE served, and when you’re willing to sacrifice willing to sacrifice, you are putting yourself  “last”. …


The Promise Of God

March 14, 2020

          New Testament Promises   I’d like to read to you some of the promises that God has made to us in the new testament. First, there’s this promise from  Romans 8, verse 28.   And I think this is the favorite verse of a lot of people, because it’s such a great promise.  Here it is..  “And we know, that God causes all things to…


Sin, Shame And Excuses

March 7, 2020

          Accountability for Sin   The bible says, in  Genesis 3, verses 7 thu 10;  “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked;  And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings.  They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife…


The Glory Of Your Spirit

March 6, 2020

            Think About the Glory of Your Spirit..   Think about the glory of your spirit, and the glory of every Christian’s spirit.  Most people spend far too much time thinking about the glory of their appearance, but spend very little time thinking about the glory of their spirit.  But everyone is born with a glorious spirit. God said in  Genesis 1, verse 26;  “Let…


The Scepter Of Righteousness

January 29, 2020

      The Scepter of the Kingdom of God   Consider if you would, the words of  Hebrews 1, verse 8;  “..And the scepter of righteousness, is the scepter of Thy kingdom.” A scepter is basically a rod, or a staff;  However a scepter is almost always an ornamented staff, or a decorated staff, that a king or an emperor would carry in his hands, especially on ceremonial occasions. …


What Is The Spirit, Of Your Spirit ?

January 25, 2020

    Does your Spirit Possess the Proper Spirit ?   In 1968, Kenny Rogers was with a group called The First Edition, and they recorded a song called “I Just Dropped In, To See What Condition My Condition Was In”.   And that became the chorus of the song..  “To see what condition my condition was in”. I suppose maybe you’d call that, a play-on-words, and the reason that I…


James 5, Verses 13 thru 20

January 19, 2020

Concerning James 5, Verses 13 thru 20   Verse 13  introduces a new subject matter, from the previous verses.  James had been talking about those who trust in their riches, instead of trusting in God.  And he had been talking about how the rich sometimes persecute the poor.  And he talked about being patient, and waiting on the Lord, to receive the Lord’s blessings.  And he talked about treating one…


Having God On Your Side

January 3, 2020

    God is on My Side !   Psalm 56, verse 9  says;  “Then shall my enemies turn back, in the day that I call;  This I know, that God is for me!”  Psalm 111:6  says;  “Jehovah is on my side, I will not fear.  What can man do unto me?”     Is God on Your Side ?     I want to read a quote from Jesus. …


Remember Thy Creator

January 1, 2020

    Ecclesiastes Chapter 12   (1)  “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, before the evil days come, and the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them.    (2)  While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain: (3)  In the day when the keepers of the…



December 23, 2019

    Tis The Season   The bible tells us, in Ecclesiastes 3, verse 1;  “For everything, there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.”  A “season” is a definite, appointed time;  A “time” appointed by God.  We’re told in  verse 2;  “There is, a “time to be born, and a time to die”.   Galatians 4, verse 4  says;  “But when the fullness of time…


God’s Everlasting Covenants – Part 3, God’s Salvation

December 7, 2019

      God’s Covenants and God’s Salvation   Today I want to continue our study about God’s covenants.  And I want to show you how God’s covenants, are intertwined, with God’s eternal “purpose”, which is the salvation of man’s soul.  Often times, we refer to this “eternal purpose”, as God’s “plan of salvation”.   But in  Ephesians 3, verse 11,  God calls it His “purpose”.  Here’s what it says…


Knowledge, Rational Thinking, & Understanding

November 23, 2019

      Three Accounts of the Lord’s Supper   Mathew, Mark, and Luke, all give an account of the evening when Jesus gave His instructions about the Lord’s supper.  But they don’t all give exactly the same account.  And that’s where the problem begins.  People then claim that the bible contradicts itself, and therefore cannot be trusted.  How can the bible be the word of God, if it can’t…


The Silence Of The Scriptures – Part 2, The Worship Assembly

November 17, 2019

    The Silence of the Scriptures, and Our Worship   Jesus said, in  Luke 4, verse 8;  “..It is written;  You shall worship the Lord thy God, and Him only, shall you serve.”  The bible isn’t silent about worshipping God.  “It is written;  You SHALL worship, the Lord thy God..”   And it’s also written, in  John 4:24;  “God is Spirit, an those who worship Him, MUST worship in…


Making Bible Study Fun

November 7, 2019

        Do You Think Bible Study Should Be Fun?     Here’s a question for you;  Do you think that bible study should be fun?  I do.  When we try to teach the bible to little children, it’s pretty much accepted, that you’ve got to find a way to make it fun for them.  Otherwise, they wouldn’t be interested, right?  Bible study would be completely boring for…


The Resurrection At The Last Day

October 26, 2019

        Thinking about the Resurrection   You like to think about nice things don’t you?  Well, this morning, I’d like us to think about the resurrection, unto eternal life.  It’s a lovely thought, and it’s a pure thought, and it’s a true thought.  Those who die in Christ, will indeed be resurrected unto eternal life.   1 Thessalonians 4, verse 14  says;  “For if we believe that…


Separated Yet Joined Together

October 12, 2019

        Separate from the World, Joined to Christ   I want to begin by quoting a scripture, and I’d like you to hang onto this quote, and think about it as we go through this study this morning.  This is from  Psalm 116, verses 9 & 10;  “I will walk before Jehovah, in the land of the living.  I have believed, therefore I have spoken.”   There’s…
