The Scriptures Speak Of Mothers

May 7, 2022

      The Scriptures Speak of Mothers   Let me begin by sharing a few bible verse with you, that are appropriate for today.. “Strength and honor are her clothing;  And she shall rejoice in time to come.  She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.  She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of…


What Should I Pray For ?

April 3, 2022

    Three Things That we Should Pray For..   Hopefully, you are in the habit of praying every day.  Hopefully, you’re in the habit of praying several times every day.  But what I want to talk about today, isn’t how often we pray, but rather, what we pray FOR. I’d like to suggest that three of the things we need to pray for, are our eyes, and our ears,…


Questioning God’s Word

March 26, 2022

    Are You ever Tempted to Question God’s Word ?   According to  1 John 2, verse 16,  temptations come in 3 “flavors”, you might say.  The first “flavor” that we’re tempted by, is “the lust of the flesh”.  And that’s a very popular “flavor”.  Wasn’t it back in the seventies or eighties, that the phrase, “if it feels good, do it” was popular?  Most everyone wants to feel…


Do You Get Bored Reading The Bible ?

March 5, 2022

    Do You ever Wonder about Things ?   What does it mean, to “wonder”?   The word “wonder” itself, has more than just one definition.   Here’s one of those definitions..  Wonder;  “A feeling of surprise, mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, or  unexpected, or unfamiliar, or inexplicable.”  Such as in this statement..  “The sight of the Grand Canyon is such a wonder”.  We could say that about any…


Some Day You’re Gonna Need The Lord; OR, God, Black Bears, And Grizzly Bears

One Day, You’re Gonna Need God Here’s a verse of scripture that’s a favorite of several of us here..  “And we know, that God causes all things to work together for good, to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”  (Romans 8, verse 28)   That’s quite a promise isn’t it?  That’s what’s called, the providence of God.  The assurance, that whatever does happen, God…

February 19, 2022

What Is The Name Of God ?

February 5, 2022

        Does God Have a Proper Name ?   Genesis 1, verse 1  says;  “In the beginning, GOD created the heavens and the earth.”   The word “God” is translated from the Hebrew word El-o-heem’, which means “divine” or “divine being”.  El-o-heem’ is the plural form of the word El-o-ah.  And of course most people believe that the use of the plural form of that word, is indicative…


Commended To The Word Of God

January 22, 2022

      Commended to the Word of God   The apostle Paul said to the Ephesians, upon his departure from them;  “And now I commend you to God, and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.”  (Acts 20, verse 32) The word translated “commend” in that verse, is translated as “commit”…


Parables Of Bearing Fruit

January 1, 2022

    I am the Vine   In  John chapter 15,  Jesus compares Himself to a vine, like a grape vine.  And He compares Christians to the branches of the vine.  Some people call it a parable, but it’s really just a metaphor that Jesus uses, to teaches us a valuable lesson.  Let me read to you,  John 15, verses 1 thru 6;  “I am the true vine, and my…


Passages Of Scripture

December 19, 2021

      Random Passages of Scripture   I randomly opened my bible the other day, and the part it opened to, was  1 Peter chapter 2.   Sometimes, just randomly opening your bibles, and reading whatever it is that you find on that particular page, can be quite fun and interesting.   Let me read a little bit from that section of scripture that I opened to.  It contains some pretty…


The Work Of The Church; Edification – Part 2

December 12, 2021

    Edification – Part 2   Here’s a pretty good definition of the word edification..   “the instruction or improvement of a person, morally or intellectually.”   And here’s a more “bible focused” definition..  “a building up, especially in a moral, or spiritual sense;  Moral, intellectual, or spiritual improvement, THRIUGH, encouragement and instruction.”  Now that’s biblical!  “Moral, intellectual, or spiritual improvement, THROUGH, encouragement and instruction.”   And I might add..  “Through SCRIPTURAL…


Let There Be No Divisions Among You

November 14, 2021

    No Divisions Among You   I’d like to begin by reading  1 Corinthians 1, verses 10 thru 13..  Go ahead and follow along in your bibles if you would..  “Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, (in other words, by the authority of Jesus) that you all agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete,…


The “Work” Of the Church

October 31, 2021

  What is the “Work” of the Church ?   Sometimes we hear people speak of “the work of the church”.  This is the “work of the church”, or that is “the work of the church”.  In teaching people about the church, in other words, in teaching people about the Kingdom of Christ, the body of saved souls, we often tell them that the work of the church is three-fold. …


Metaphors Of The Bible

October 30, 2021

    Metaphors of the Bible   Do you find it interesting when the bible uses figures of speech, instead of literal wording?  The bible does that a lot doesn’t it?  And one of the common figures of speech that the bible uses, is metaphors.  A metaphor is a figure of speech where one word or phrase, is used as an analogy or comparison, for something else. Here’s a couple…


From Your Head To Your Heart

October 23, 2021

    From Head to Heart   When you learn some new information, or when you receive some new “news”, that information “or news” gets stored in your head.  Everything you know, is up there somewhere, in your head.  And when we think about it, we all know lots of stuff.  I think I might have told you this, but one of the guys I work with always says..  “I…


The Prayer Of Jab’ez

October 16, 2021

    The Prayer of Jab’ez   In  1 Chronicles chapter 4,  there is a couple of verses that I’d like to talk about today.  Open your bibles to that chapter if you would,  1 Chronicles chapter 4,  and I’m going to read  verses 9 & 10;  Here’s what it says.. “Jab’ez was more honorable than his brothers;  His mother called his name Jab’ez, saying;  “Because I bore him in…


The Trumpet Of God

October 2, 2021

    The Trumpet of the Lord   I want to read to you a verse from the song, “When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder”.. “When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more..                                                             …


Jesus The Glory Of God

September 25, 2021

        Jesus, the Glory of God   This morning I’d like to read to you from the first chapter of the book of John.  So if you want to open your bibles and follow along, that would be great. Now the text that I want to read will begin with  verse 14.   But just to set the stage, so to speak,  I’ll read  verse 1  first;  “In the…


Let There Be Light

September 19, 2021

    God is Light   The apostle John wrote these words, in  1 John 1, verse 5;  “This is the message we have heard from Him and proclaim to you;  That God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.”   God is light, He is the source of light, He is radiance, He is illumination.  And that light of God is manifested in both a physical sense,…


Let Us Not Grow Weary

September 11, 2021

        Let Us Not Grow Weary in Well-Doing   I’d like to begin with this morning by reading  Galatians 6, verses 9 & 10.   And as I read these two verses, I’m going to comment, and I’m going to let the scriptures themselves comment also.  So then, let’s look at those two verses;  They begin with an admonition, and then with some encouragement;  “Let us not grow…


Is Eucharist In The Bible ?

September 4, 2021

      What does “Eucharist” mean ?   How many of you are familiar with the word “Eucharist”?   You’ve all heard the word used, right?  Among certain religious groups, maybe one in particular, it’s one of the most often used words.  But how many of you know what it means?   There’s actually more than just one meaning.  There’s the one literal and proper “bible meaning”, but then there’s also…
