A Sin Unto Death

June 3, 2018

There is a Sin unto Death   Last week I talked about the idea of two classifications of sin;  Mortal and venial sin.  A mortal sin being a sin that brings death, unless repented of and forgiven.  Whereas a venial sin would be a sin that does not incur death, and would not require any action to be forgiven. Of course that’s a bunch of hogwash according to the bible. …


Have Your Sins Been Nailed To The Cross

June 2, 2018

    Nailed To the Cross   Some people have a saying, that “My sins have been nailed to the cross”.   A friend of mine has another saying.  He says, “My sins have been judged at the cross.”   Neither of those two sayings are from the bible, so then we might ask ourselves, “Have my sins been nailed to the cross”?  And “Have my sins been judged at…


Simon (Peter) Says..

May 22, 2018

  A Lesson From 2 Peter Chapter 1   Verse 1  says;  “Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ;  To those who have received a faith, equally precious as ours, through the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ.”    Your faith is just as precious as the faith of an apostle of Jesus.  That’s pretty impressive, and pretty encouraging too.  Have you thought about how valuable…


A Study From 1st John Chapter 3

May 19, 2018

    1st  John chapter 3, Verses 1 thru 10   Verse 1;  “See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God.  And such we are.  For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.”   How great a love, the Father has bestowed upon us!   King David once wrote;  “What is man,…


The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit And Fire

May 13, 2018

    Who did Jesus Baptize with the Holy Spirit and with Fire?   In  Mathew 3, verse 11,  the bible records these words of John the baptist;  “As for me, I baptize you with water, for repentance;  But He who is coming after me, is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals.  He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”   What…


In The Name Of Jesus

May 9, 2018

        By The Authority Of Jesus   Recently I received a notebook from someone in the mail, and in the notebook, the man detailed his beliefs on salvation through baptism into Christ, and his beliefs on the Holy Spirit. The writer was very much focused on the NAME of Jesus.  And he is also very focused on the Spirit having some sort of miraculous presence within us….


Do You Give God Enough Credit ?

May 9, 2018

      Do you think that you give God enough credit?   Acts 17:25  says;  “He Himself gives to all, life, and breath, and all things.”   You could call this a lesson on thankfulness, but I’m calling it “Giving God the Credit” When I first started reading the bible as an adult, I remember that I was struck by the fact that a lot of sayings that you…


Are You Sowing The Seed ?

April 29, 2018

    The Seed is the Word of God   We’re told in  1 Peter 1, verse 23;  “For you have been born again, not of seed which is perishable, but imperishable, through the living, and abiding word of God.”   Remember what Jesus said in  Mathew 24:35..  “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.   The words of Jesus are the words of…


Are You Anointed By God ?

April 28, 2018

      What Does It Mean To Be Anointed ?   Last week in bible class, the subject of anointing was brought up.  And we talked a little about it, but I thought that I saw some questions on some of the faces in the class, and so I thought that maybe I should talk about anointing, in more detail today.  So here we go..   Anointing someone with…


“Ignoring” The Word Of God

April 21, 2018

    Ignoring, Overlooking, not Believing   This lesson is going to be about “ignoring” or you might say, “not believing” certain verses of scriptural, in order to stand by a false teaching.   It says in  2 Peter 1:3;  “Seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.”…


How Does The Holy Spirit Dwell In Us ?

April 20, 2018

      What Kind Of Spirit Do You Have?   How many of you know exactly what it means to have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you?   From my experience talking to people, most people are rather unsure of how the Holy Spirit dwells in us, and what does the Spirit do.   Most people think that there’s a lot of mystery surrounding it.  But there’s not.  The…


How Does God Give Life To Your Mortal Body ?

April 14, 2018

      God Gives Life to our Mortal Bodies     Please listen to  Romans 8, verses 6 thru 9;  “For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit, is life and peace.  Because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God.  For it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to…


The Gift Of The Holy Spirit

April 13, 2018

      Gifts of the Holy Spirit   I want to talk about gifts of the Holy Spirit, but most importantly, I want to talk about one gift in particular.   And that gift is mentioned in  Acts 2, verse 38.  That verse says;  “Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins, and you shall receive…


Miracles Associated With The Church – Pentecost

April 8, 2018

      The Miracle on Pentecost   There are some misunderstandings about the miracle that occurred on the day of Pentecost when the apostles were given the ability to speak in tongues.  Here’s what it says in  Acts 2, verses 1 thru 4;  “And when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.  And suddenly there came from heaven, a noise like a violent…


We Walk By Faith, And Not By Sight

April 1, 2018

      Faith Equals Trust   The apostle Paul wrote, in  2 Corinthians 5, verse 7;  “For we walk by faith, and not by sight.”   The word “faith”, means..  “trust, and confidence, and conviction”.   And the word “walk”, refers to our behavior, and our manner of living.  Therefore, to “walk by faith” means that our behavior and our conduct is governed by our trust, and our confidence…


Should Christians Celebrate Easter ?

March 31, 2018

      He Is Risen !  Let’s Make Every Day A Celebration   I saw an ad on Facebook, from a church of Christ.  Their advertisement was promoting Easter, and all their special Easter services, and especially their “sunrise service”.   So I left a comment on the page, and I asked;  “What’s a church of Christ doing advertising and celebrating Easter?”   So someone answered, and asked me; …


Don’t Touch Me, For I Have Not Yet Ascended

March 27, 2018

    John 20:17   In the King James Version,  John 20:17  reads like this;  “Jesus saith unto her;  Touch Me not, for I am not yet ascended to My Father.  But go to My brethren and say unto them;  I ascend unto My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.”   This was said to Mary Magdalene, on the morning of Christ’s resurrection.   A…


Do Miracles Occur Today ? – Part 3

March 25, 2018

  A Covenant Between God And Abram   In  Genesis chapter 15,  God established a covenant with Abram, and He ratified it with a miracle.  And the miracle was the “sign from God” that He had accepted Abram’s offering.  I mentioned last week that all the miracles that would occur from this point on, would be for one of two possible reasons. One reason for miracles would be for the…


Does The Bible Teach A Thousand Year Reign ?

March 21, 2018

    The Thousand Year Reign   The idea of Christ reigning for one thousand years, is the basis of what is called “Millennielism”.   That belief is based on  Revelation chapter 20, verses 1 thru 10.   Those are the only verses in the bible that speak of a thousand year reign, and those verses are describing a vision that the apostle John received.  But what everyone needs to…


God’s Word Is The Absolute Truth

March 20, 2018

    The Absolute Truth   I want to talk today about interpreting the bible. If a bible verse is true, then it’s true, and it can never be false.  If a bible verse is true, it is absolutely true, no matter what.  And a second true bible verse can never make the first true bible verse, untrue.  That makes sense doesn’t it? For example;  Jesus said, in  John 14:6; …
