Pride: The First, And The Last

March 15, 2020

  Think About This Quote   I read a quote the other day, that I didn’t understand at first.  But then after I thought about it a while, I believe that the meaning occurred to me.  And I think that we can make application of it, in regards to our own spiritual lives. Let me read to you the quote;  “Pride is the first shirt that you put on, and…


Sin, Shame And Excuses

March 7, 2020

          Accountability for Sin   The bible says, in  Genesis 3, verses 7 thu 10;  “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked;  And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings.  They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife…


Are You Anointed By God ? – Part 2

January 17, 2020

      How Are Christians Anointed ?   You’ve undoubtedly heard of the ancient practice of someone being anointed with oil.  In the old testament, the word “oil” literally means “fat”.  Most of the time, when the old testament talks about oil, it’s talking about olive oil.  And the oil from the olive, is referred to as “the fat” of the olive. And when someone was anointed with oil,…


The Whole Counsel Of God

December 24, 2019

    The Truth, and Nothing but The Truth   In  Acts 20,  and  verse 27,  the apostle Paul made this statement;  “For I have not shunned to declare to you, the whole counsel of God.”    Think about that for a minute..  The WHOLE counsel of God!   That’s a lot of counsel.  And it’s a lot of things to know.  And it’s a lot to try to live…



December 23, 2019

    Tis The Season   The bible tells us, in Ecclesiastes 3, verse 1;  “For everything, there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.”  A “season” is a definite, appointed time;  A “time” appointed by God.  We’re told in  verse 2;  “There is, a “time to be born, and a time to die”.   Galatians 4, verse 4  says;  “But when the fullness of time…


God’s Everlasting Covenants – Part 3, God’s Salvation

December 7, 2019

      God’s Covenants and God’s Salvation   Today I want to continue our study about God’s covenants.  And I want to show you how God’s covenants, are intertwined, with God’s eternal “purpose”, which is the salvation of man’s soul.  Often times, we refer to this “eternal purpose”, as God’s “plan of salvation”.   But in  Ephesians 3, verse 11,  God calls it His “purpose”.  Here’s what it says…


Let Not Many Be Teachers

November 30, 2019

    James Chapter 3, Verse 1   James Chapter 3, verse 1,  says;  “Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing, that we will receive greater, judgment.”  James is classifying himself there, as a “teacher”.    A “teacher” in that verse and others, refers to someone who not only “teaches” God’s word, but it refers to someone who is specially “equipped” and “qualified”, to teach others;  About…


Knowledge, Rational Thinking, & Understanding

November 23, 2019

      Three Accounts of the Lord’s Supper   Mathew, Mark, and Luke, all give an account of the evening when Jesus gave His instructions about the Lord’s supper.  But they don’t all give exactly the same account.  And that’s where the problem begins.  People then claim that the bible contradicts itself, and therefore cannot be trusted.  How can the bible be the word of God, if it can’t…


The Silence Of The Scriptures – Part 2, The Worship Assembly

November 17, 2019

    The Silence of the Scriptures, and Our Worship   Jesus said, in  Luke 4, verse 8;  “..It is written;  You shall worship the Lord thy God, and Him only, shall you serve.”  The bible isn’t silent about worshipping God.  “It is written;  You SHALL worship, the Lord thy God..”   And it’s also written, in  John 4:24;  “God is Spirit, an those who worship Him, MUST worship in…


For You Are Not Under Law, But Under Grace

November 17, 2019

    Romans 6, Verse 14   A verse that causes some confusion, is  Romans 6:14,  which says;  “For sin shall not have dominion over you;  For you are not under law, but under grace.”  Obviously “law” and “grace” are being contrasted here;  But there are two specific things, concerning “law” and “grace”, which are being addressed, and we need to understand what those two things are.   The two…


God’s Everlasting Covenants – Part 1

November 16, 2019

An Everlasting Covenant   Today I want to talk about the subject, of what the bible calls, an “everlasting covenant”.  The bible uses the phrase “everlasting covenant”, fifteen times, in the King James Version.  That phrase is used fourteen times in the old testament, and once in the new testament.  But the phrase doesn’t always refer to the same covenant.  That phrase is actually used in reference to four different…


God’s Everlasting Covenants – Part 2

November 16, 2019

      God’s Covenants With Man   You’ll probably remember from last week, how I said that the bible uses the phrase “everlasting covenant”, in regards to four different covenants that He has made with man.  The first one was the covenant of the rainbow in the sky, and God’s promise to never again destroy the world with a flood of water.  That’s from  Genesis 9, 11 thru 17….


The Silence Of The Scriptures – Part 1, The Lord’s Supper

November 13, 2019

      Does Silence Mean Liberty, or Constraint ?   There’s a lot of debate concerning the “silence of the scriptures”.  Some people say that what the bible is silent about, we have the freedom of choice over.  Others say that what the bible is silent about, is forbidden to us.  So, what’s the truth?  Well, in reality, both beliefs are correct.  So how could they both be correct,…


Making Bible Study Fun

November 7, 2019

        Do You Think Bible Study Should Be Fun?     Here’s a question for you;  Do you think that bible study should be fun?  I do.  When we try to teach the bible to little children, it’s pretty much accepted, that you’ve got to find a way to make it fun for them.  Otherwise, they wouldn’t be interested, right?  Bible study would be completely boring for…


Unto This They Were Appointed

October 12, 2019

    We Are All Appointed For Something   1 Peter 2, verse 8  says that for some people, Jesus Christ has become “a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense.  for they stumble at the word, being disobedient;  Wherein also they were appointed.” We are all appointed by God, for something.  We’re all “called” for a specific purpose.  But I’m not talking about being “called” by God, to…


How Dare You ! A Gospel Sermon – Part 2

October 1, 2019

      How Dare Anyone, Contradict the Word of God!   Our topic is contradicting the word of God.  How dare anyone contradict, what God has said..  What God has ordained!   “For the Lord of Hosts has purposed, and who shall disannul it?  His hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?”   (Isaiah 14:27) Is a human being going to change God’s plan of salvation,…


How Dare You ! A Gospel Sermon – Part 1

September 29, 2019

    How Dare You Contradict God !   Have you ever heard someone say these words..  “How dare you!”  Why would someone say that?  Would it be because you questioned their truthfulness?  Would it be because you opposed their authority?  Would it be because someone openly defied what you had told them? Imagine this;  Imagine you have a child, who comes home from school, and asks if they can…


The Christain And Illegal Immigration

August 17, 2019

    A Sanctuary Church   I saw an advertisement on the internet last week that made the proclamation that The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, has passed a measure declaring their entire denomination to be a “sanctuary church” for migrants, including those who entered the United States illegally. How should we feel about that?  Is that a good thing, or is it a sad thing?  How should a Christian…


What Church Should I Join ?

July 27, 2019

      Help Me Choose A Church   Here’s a question that someone posted on Facebook last week..  I have a friend, a single older lady, who just moved here from Iowa, and she’s looking for a church to join.  She’s used to a not so large church.  What church do you go to, and what do you like best about it? Now, the last time I checked, there…


God Wants The First And The Best

July 21, 2019

    Malachi 1:6-8, and 13-14   God wants certain things from us.  A few weeks ago I talked about the fact that God wants our patience, and God wants our loyalty.  But here’s two more things that God wants;  He wants our best, and He wants what’s first. Let me read a few verses from the book of Malachi.   God says in  Malachi 1, verses 6 thru 8; …
