Is Your Body A Temple ?

September 2, 2018

    Does the Spirit of God Dwell in You?   Turn to  1 Corinthians chapter 6  if you would.   Verse 19  says;  “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit in you, which you have from God, and you are not your own?”    “The holy Spirit, in you..”  The KJV adds the word “which”;  “The holy Spirit which is in…


Are We All Gods ?

August 25, 2018

  “I say, You are gods”   In  Psalm 82:6,  the Lord says;  “I say, You are gods.”   Those words have caused a lot of wondering, and have led to a lot of theories about the nature of man.  One man said that we are all created with a “divine nature”.  That’s what he thinks it means to be created “in the likeness of God”.  His belief is that…


Contradictions In The Bible

August 19, 2018

    Bible Contradictions   There’s a lot of different reasons that people will give for not believing in the bible.  One of those reasons is the fact that the original writings of the scriptures don’t exist.  All we have to go by, are copies of copies of copies, of the original writings.   Therefore, lots of people don’t trust the reliability of these copies of the copies.  And since…


The Great I Am

August 17, 2018

    I Am, Who I Am   When’s the last time, that you’ve taken some time, to think about, and to appreciate, all that God is, and exactly what makes God, who He is?  That’s what I want us to do today;  Think about all the things that God is.  There’s a song called  “Our God He is alive”.   The chorus says;  “There is a God, He is…


Where Does Evil Come From ?

August 12, 2018

  What is the Root of all Evil?   I heard someone suggest that it’s not the devil that we should fear the most, but rather, it’s the love of money.   You might ask;  How did someone even come up with that idea?  Well, they came up with it from reading  1 Timothy 6, verse 10.  The King James reads like this;  “For the love of money is the…


Progressive Sanctification ?

August 5, 2018

    Understanding the Subject of Sanctification   In previous lessons, I’ve talked about sanctification, and about what that means exactly.  But it just seems like things always need to be repeated, so that we truly understand them without any question at all, so that when the word comes up, we know exactly what it means, and so that we know exactly what it doesn’t mean also.   And the…


The Least In The Kingdom Of Heaven

July 31, 2018

        Are You One of the Least?   Have you ever felt insignificant?  Like maybe you’re not as important, or as valuable as other people?  If you have ever felt like that, don’t!  Don’t ever feel like that.  Because there’s no one, more valuable than you.  Do you know why Jesus said, in  Luke 15:7;  “..there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents,…


Taking The Lord’s Name In Vain

July 24, 2018

The Third Commandment   I want to talk about one of the ten commandments.  Even though we’re not living under the old law, and even though we’re not subject to the ten commandments, we can still learn about God, from those commandments.   The commandment I want to talk about is the third commandment, found in  Exodus 20, verse 7.  It says;  “You shall not take the name of the…


How Shall We Escape ?

July 18, 2018

  Will you escape?  That’s the question.   Hebrews 2, verse 3  asks us the question;  “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great a salvation?”   We need to escape the condition, of eternal torment and suffering, that the bible calls hell!  But how are we going to escape hell, if we neglect the salvation that God has offered us?  You tell me, How are we gonna do…


Has God Hardened Your Heart ?

July 13, 2018

    “As long as everything is exactly the way I want it, I’m totally flexible.”     Are you totally flexible?  The bible talks about those who aren’t.  Do you know what the bible means when it talks about someone having a “hard heart”?    In  Mathew 19:3,  some Pharisees started questioning Jesus, trying to find fault with Him.  And so they said;  “Is it lawful for a man…


Blessed Assurance

July 7, 2018

    Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine   There’s a song that we sing sometimes called “Blessed Assurance”.  “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine.  Oh what a foretaste of glory divine.”   Don’t you want the blessed assurance, that if your life ended today, or if Jesus returned today, you’d be with Him eternally?  You don’t want to worry about eternity, I know you don’t. We’re told in  Philippians 46 &…


Reign With Christ A Thousand Years

July 1, 2018

  The Thousand Year Reign, from Revelation chapter 20   Our previous lesson was called, “Does The Bible Teach A Thousand Year Reign”.  In that lesson we learned that the thousand years isn’t a literal period of time, but that it represents the fullness of the reign of Christ in His kingdom, before He delivers up the kingdom to the Father in heaven.  Go ahead and review that lesson now…


What’s It Like To Be IN Christ ?

July 1, 2018

    What is it Like to be “IN” Christ?   Romans 8, verse 1  tells us;  “Therefore, there is now, no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”   Romans chapter 6, verse 23  tells us;  “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God, is eternal life, IN Christ Jesus our Lord.”   So then, if we are IN Christ, we won’t experience…


The Kingdom And The Church

June 23, 2018

  What’s the Difference Between the Kingdom and the Church?     Listen to  Colosians 1:13;  “For He has delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us into the kingdom of His beloved Son.” This verse tells us that God Himself, “transfers” Christians into the kingdom of His Son.   He takes Christians out of the world, and He puts them into His kingdom. Now listen to  Acts…


Is The Kingdom Of God Within Us ?

June 23, 2018

Where is the kingdom of God?     In  John 18, verse 36,  Jesus made the statement;  “My kingdom is not of this world”, and then again “My kingdom is not from here.”   When Jesus said that His kingdom is not “OF” this world, He meant that His kingdom did not originate with this world.  That’s what the word “OF” means.  It means “out from”.  His kingdom did not…


The Letter Of The Law Or The Spirit Of The Law ?

June 21, 2018

The Letter of the Law   Do you know what “the letter of the law” is?   Well, it’s quite simple actually.  The phrase “the letter of the law”, refers to the exact words of the law.  It means, the law exactly as it is written.  And it could refer to any law.  Sometimes people use the phrase “the letter of the law”, in reference to the bible, and they…


What Is The Kingdom Of Heaven ?

June 16, 2018

  Thy Kingdom Come   Two phrases that are used repeatedly in the new testament are;  “the kingdom of heaven”, and  “the kingdom of God”.  Both phrases are used to refer to the very same thing.  That only makes sense, since the dwelling place of God, is heaven.  (“the heaven of heavens”, or “the highest heaven”.  There’s two more phrases that always refer to the same thing) Jesus used the…


Is The Bible A Testimony Of The Life Of Jesus ?

June 15, 2018

    How do you see the bible?     Here’s a statement that was made to me this past week.  “You see the bible as a rule book, instead of a testimony of the life of Jesus.”   That’s an interesting comparison;  A rule book on the one hand, and a testimony on the other.  How do you see the bible?  Do you see it as nothing more than…


How Often Do You Sin ?

June 9, 2018

    “No one who is born of God, practices sin..”   1 John 3:9   Last week I mentioned that people sometimes go to extremes.  One person thinks that they’re always in sin, and needing forgiveness, and another person thinks that they never sin.  I would certainly hope that no Christian would constantly be in sin.  And I’m quite certain that no Christian, never sins.  The bible tells us…


Are We In The Last Days ?

June 6, 2018

  When Are The Last Days?   The bible speaks of “the last days“, and it also speaks of “the last times”.  In the KJV of the bible, the old testament uses the phrase “the last days” in  Genesis 49:1,  and in  Isaiah 2:2,  and in  Micah 4:1.   And again in the KJV, the new testament uses the phrase “the last days” in  Acts 2:17,  and in  2 Timothy…
